Daily Archives: December 4, 2015

10 Benefit of Tulsi or Holy basil

1. It cure FeverTulsi has very potent germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties that are great for resolving fevers. It has the potential to cure any fever right from those caused due to common infections to those caused due to malaria as well. In ayurveda, it is strongly advised that a person suffering from fever should have a decoction made of tulsi leaves. In case of a fever boil a few leaves of tulsi with powdered cardamom in half a litre of water (The proportion of tulsi to cardamom powder should be in the ratio 1:0.3). Let it reduce to half its total volume. Mix this decoction with sugar and milk. Sip every two to three hours. This remedy is especially good for children.

2. It beats diabetes: Leaves of holy basil are packed with antioxidants and essential oils that produce eugenol, methyl eugenol and caryophyllene. Collectively these substances help the pancreatic beta cells (cells that store and release insulin) function properly. This in turn helps increase sensitivity to insulin. Lowering one’s blood sugar and treating diabetes effectively. An added advantage is that the antioxidantspresent in the leaves help beat the ill effects of oxidative stress

3. It protects the heart: Tulsi has a powerful anti-oxidant component called Eugenol. This compound helps protect the heart by keeping one’s blood pressure under control and lowering his/her Cholesterol levels. Chewing a few leaves of tulsion an empty stomach everyday can both prevent and protect any heart ailments.

4. It beats stress :According to a study conducted by the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, tulsi helps to maintain the normal levels of the stress hormone – cortisol in the body. The leaf also has powerful adaptogen properties (also known as anti-stress agents). It helps sooth the nerves, regulates blood circulation and beats free radicals that are produced during an episode of stress. People who have high stress jobs can chew about 12 leaves of tulsitwice a day to beat stress naturally.

5. It dissolves Kidney stones:The holy basil being a great diuretic and detoxifier is great for the kidneys.Tulsi helps reduce the uric acid levels in the blood, helps cleanse the kidneys, the presence of acetic acid and other components in its essential oils helps in breaking down kidney stones and its painkiller effect helps dull down the pain of kidney stones. To relieve kidney stones one must have the juice of tulsi leaves with honey, every day for six months to help wash out the stone from the kidney. Read more about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Kidney stones.

6. It beats cancer: With strong anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties tulsi has been found to help stop the progression of Brest cancer and oral cancer (caused due to chewing tobacco). This is because its compounds restrict the flow of blood to the tumour by attacking the blood vessels supplying it. Have the extract of tulsievery day to keep these conditions at bay. Read more about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Brest cancer.

7. It helps to quit smoking: Tulsi is known to have very strong anti- stress compounds and is great to help one quit smoking. It helps by lowering the stress that may be involved in trying to quit smoking, or stress that leads to the urge to smoke. It also has a cooling effect on the throat just like menthol drops and helps control the urge to smoke by allowing the person to chew on something. Ayurveda relies heavily on tulsi leaves as a smoking cessation device. Keep some leaves with you and chew it whenever the urge to smoke arises. Another plus is that the antioxidant property of the leaves will help fight all the damage that arises out of years of smoking.

 8. It keeps your skin and hair healthy and glowing: The holy basil has powerful purifying properties. When eaten raw, it purifies the blood giving the skin a beautiful glow, and prevents the appearance ofacne and blemishes. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties are very effective in preventing breakouts on acne prone skin. Ayurvedic doctors say that this herb can cure difficult skin conditions like those caused due to ring worms and even leucoderma. Apart from all this, it helps in reducing itchiness of the scalp and helps to reduce hair fall. Mix the powder in coconut oil and apply regularly to the scalp to prevent hair fall. Eatingtuls leaves, drinking the juice, or adding its paste to a face pack can help cure skin and hair conditions.

9. It heals respiratory conditions: Tulsi has immunomodulatory (helps to modulate the immune system), antitussive (suppresses the cough center, reducing the amount of cough) and expectorant properties (helps expel phlegm from the chest), that make it a great relief forcouhs, cold and other respiratory disorders including chronic and acute bronchitis. Another great property of this leaf is that it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help to beat the infection causing the respiratory problem. It also relieves congestion since it contains potent components like camphene, eugenol and cineole in its essential oils. Its anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties also help to treat allergic respiratory disorders.

 10. It cures a headache: Tulsi helps to relieve headaches caused due to sinusitis, allergies, cold or even migraines. This is because it has pain relieving and decongestant properties, that help relieve the pain and resolve the root cause of the condition. If you are suffering from a headache, make a bowl of water that has been boiled with crushed tulsi leaves or tulsi extract. Cool the water till it is room temperature or bearably hot. Place a small towel in it, wring out the excess water and place this on your forehead to treat a headache. Alternatively you could dip a towel in plain warm water and add a few drops of tulsi extract to the towel for immediate relief.

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Tips for Better Sleep

  1. Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as possible. Even the tiniest bit of light in the room can disrupt your internal clock and your pineal gland’s production of melatonin and serotonin. Even the tiniest glow from your clock radio could be interfering with your sleep. This will help decrease your risk of cancer.  Close your bedroom door, and get rid of night-lights. Refrain from turning on any light at all during the night, even when getting up to go to the bathroom. Cover up your clock radio. Cover your windows—I recommend using blackout shades or drapes.All life evolved in response to predictable patterns of light and darkness, called circadian rhythms. Modern day electrical lighting has significantly betrayed your inner clock by disrupting your natural rhythms. Little bits of light pass directly through your optic nerve to your hypothalamus, which controls your biological clock. Light signals your brain that it’s time to wake up and starts preparing your body for ACTION.
  2. Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees F. Many people keep their homes and particularly their upstairs bedrooms too warm. Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is quite cool, between 60 to 68 degrees. Keeping your room cooler or hotter can lead to restless sleep. When you sleep, your body’s internal temperature drops to its lowest level, generally about four hours after you fall asleep. Scientists believe a cooler bedroom may therefore be most conducive to sleep, since it mimics your body’s natural temperature drop.
  3. Move alarm clocks and other electrical devices away from your bed. If these devices must be used, keep them as far away from your bed as possible, preferably at least 3 feet. Remove the clock from view.It will only add to your worry when you stare at it all night… 2 a.m. …3 a.m. … 4:30 a.m.
  4. Avoid using loud alarm clocks.It is very stressful on your body to be suddenly jolted awake. If you are regularly getting enough sleep, an alarm may even be unnecessary. I gave up my alarm clock years ago and now use a sun alarm clock, an alarm that combines the features of a traditional alarm clock (digital display, AM/FM radio, beeper, snooze button, etc.) with a special built-in light that gradually increases in intensity, simulating sunrise.
  5. Reserve your bed for only sleeping. If you are used to watching TV or doing work in bed, you may find it harder to relax and drift off to sleep, so avoid doing these activities in bed.
  6. Consider separate bedrooms. Recent studies suggest, for many people, sharing a bed with a partner (or pets) can significantly impair sleep, especially if the partner is a restless sleeper or snores. If bedfellows are consistently interfering with your sleep, you may want to consider a separate bedroom.
  7. Get to bed as early as possible. Your body (particularly your adrenal system) does a majority of its recharging between the hours of 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. In addition, your gallbladder dumps toxins during this same period. If you are awake, the toxins back up into your liver, which can further disrupt your health. Prior to the widespread use of electricity, people would go to bed shortly after sundown, as most animals do, and which nature intended for humans as well.
  8. Don’t change your bedtime. You should go to bed and wake up at the same times each day, even on the weekends. This will help your body to get into a sleep rhythm and make it easier to fall asleep and get up in the morning.
  9. Establish a bedtime routine.This could include meditation, deep breathing, using aromatherapy or essential oils or indulging in a massage from your partner. The key is to find something that makes you feel relaxed, then repeat it each night to help you release the tensions of the day.
  10. Don’t drink any fluids within 2 hours of going to bed. This will reduce the likelihood of needing to get up and go to the bathroom, or at least minimize the frequency.
  11. Go to the bathroom right before bed.This will reduce the chances that you’ll wake up to go in the middle of the night.
  12. Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. These will raise your blood sugar and delay sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), you may wake up and be unable to fall back asleep.
  13. Take a hot bath, shower or sauna before bed. When your body temperature is raised in the late evening, it will fall at bedtime, facilitating slumber. The temperature drop from getting out of the bath signals your body it’s time for bed.
  14. Wear socks to bed. Feet often feel cold before the rest of the body because they have the poorest circulation. A study has shown that wearing socks to bed reduces night waking. As an alternative, you could place a hot water bottle near your feet at night.
  15. Wear an eye mask to block out light.As discussed earlier, it is very important to sleep in as close to complete darkness as possible. That said, it’s not always easy to block out every stream of light using curtains, blinds or drapes, particularly if you live in an urban area (or if your spouse has a different schedule than you do). In these cases, an eye mask can be helpful.
  16. Put your work away at least one hour before bed (preferably two hours or more).This will give your mind a chance to unwind so you can go to sleep feeling calm, not hyped up or anxious about tomorrow’s deadlines.
  17. No TV right before bed. Even better, get the TV out of the bedroom or even completely out of the house. It’s too stimulating to the brain, preventing you from falling asleep quickly. TV disrupts your pineal gland function.
  18. Listen to relaxation CDs. Some people find the sound of white noise or nature sounds, such as the ocean or forest, to be soothing for sleep. An excellent relaxation/meditation option to listen to before bed is the Inside Audio CD. Another favorite is the Sleep Harmony CD, which uses a combination of advanced vibrational technology and guided meditation to help you effortlessly fall into deep delta sleep within minutes. The CD works on the principle of “sleep wave entrainment” to assist your brain in gearing down for sleep.
  19. Read something spiritual or uplifting. This may help you relax. Don’t read anything stimulating, such as a mystery or suspense novel, which has the opposite effect. In addition, if you are really enjoying a suspenseful book, you might be tempted to go on reading for hours, instead of going to sleep!
  20. Journaling. If you often lay in bed with your mind racing, it might be helpful to keep a journel and write down your thoughts before bed. Personally, I have been doing this for 15 years, but prefer to do it in the morning when my brain is functioning at its peak and my cortisol levels are high.
  21. Reduce or avoid as many drugs as possible. Many drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, may adversely affect sleep. In most cases, the condition causing the drugs to be taken in the first place can be addressed by following guidelines elsewhere on my web site.
  22. Avoid caffeine. At least one study has shown that, in some people, caffeine is not metabolized efficiently, leaving you feeling its effects long after consumption. So, an afternoon cup of coffee or tea will keep some people from falling asleep at night. Be aware that some medications contain caffeine (for example, diet pills).
  23. Avoid alcohol. Although alcohol will make you drowsy, the effect is short lived and you will often wake up several hours later, unable to fall back asleep. Alcohol will also keep you from entering the deeper stages of sleep, where your body does most of its healing.
  24. Make certain you are exercising regularly. Exercising for at least 30 minutes per day can improve your sleep. However, don’t exercise too close to bedtime or it may keep you awake. Studies show exercising in the morning is the best if you can manage it.
  25. Lose excess weight. Being overweight can increase your risk of sleep apnea, which can seriously impair your sleep. Please refer to my nutrition plan for recommendations.
  26. If you are menopausal or perimenopausal, get checked out by a good natural medicine physician. The hormonal changes at this time may cause sleep problems if not properly addressed.

Know when to contact your doctor

Nearly everyone has an occasional sleepless night — but if you often have trouble sleeping, contact your doctor. Identifying and treating any underlying causes can help you get the better sleep you deserve.


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Prevent Acidity at Home

Beware, sometimes what seems like acidity could actually be a heart attack especially in women.

1: Bananas

How do they help?

  • They are a rich source of potassium and help keep the level of acid production in your stomach in check.
  • Certain components in the fruit also help increase the production of mucous in your stomach, which helps protect it from the harmful effects of excessive acid production.
  • Are high in fibre content which helps speed up digestion, preventing the recurrence of acidity. ]

Tip for relief

Eat a ripe banana for some relief. You could also eat an overripe banana to beat an especially bad bout of acidity, as they tend to contain more potassium which makes it the perfect antidote.

2: Tulsi

How does it help?

  • Tulsi leaves help stimulate your stomach to produce more mucous
  • Has antiulcer properties and reduces the effect of gastric acids,

Tip for relief

Chewing on five to six tulsi leaves when you suffer from acidity is a great way to beat the discomfort you feel.

3: Cold Milk

How does it help?

  • Milk has a high amount of calcium that helps it prevent acid build up and absorbs the excess acid produced, thereby reducing the symptoms of acidity.
  • The fact that it is cold also provides instant relief from the burning sensation one feels during acid reflux.

Tip for relief

It is essential that you have the milk cold and without any additives like sugar. You could even mix it with a spoon of ghee to make the remedy even more effective.

4: Saunf or aniseed

How does it help?

  • Has very potent anti-ulcer properties (due to the volatile oils it contains)
  • Aids in digestion and relieves constipation.
  • Helps cool the lining of the stomach, reducing that burning sensation you feel during a bout of acidity.

Tip for relief

While simply chewing on a few saunf seeds can help reduce the symptoms of acidity, as a long term remedy, boil a few seeds in water and leave overnight, drink this water during the day when you feel uneasy.

5: Jeera

How it helps

  • It has properties that stimulate the production of saliva which helps in better digestion, improves metabolism and relieves gas and other gastric troubles.
  •  According to Ayurvedic doctors jeera has a calming effect on irritated stomach nerves and helps heal ulcers.

Tip for relief

You can chew a few seeds of jeera to relieve acidity or boil it in water and drink the solution when it has cooled down.

6: Clove

How it helps

  • When bitten into your taste buds react cloves pungent taste and secrete excess saliva, which in turn aids digestion and beats the symptoms of acidity.
  • Has carmitive properties and helps improve peristalisis (the movement of food down the stomach).

Tip for relief

In case you’re suffering from acidity, bite a clove once so that the juice is released and then keep it in the mouth. The slowly released juice will immediately lower acid reflux and give you some relief. Cloves can also help relieve a sore throat.

7: Elaishi  

How it helps

  • Known to balances all three doshas – kaphapitta and vataaccording to Ayurvedic texts, elaichi is known to stimulate digestion and relieve stomach spasms.
  • It also soothes the inner lining of the stomach helping it ward off the effects of excess acid produced in the stomach.

Tip for relief

To relieve acidity crush two pods of cardamom (with or without the skin), boil the powder in water and drink the cooled juice for instant relief.

8: Mint leaves or Pudina

How it helps

  • Pudina helpslower the acid content of the stomach and improves digestion.
  • Has a cooling effect which helps reduce the pain and burning associated with acid reflux.

Tip for relief

If you feel an attack coming on chop some mint leaves, add them to a pot of boiling water and drink this water after it cools. You could also try mint to calm indigestion.

9: Ginger

How it helps

  • The root is known to improve digestion and aid in better absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients.
  • It also protect your stomach against ulcers by promoting mucus secretion and reducing the effect of the acid on your stomach.

Tip for relief

For relief from acidity, chew a small piece of ginger. If you find that too pungent, try boiling it in water and drinking the decoction. Another remedy is to crush ginger, mix it with a small piece of jaggery and keeping sucking on it allowing the juice to slowly reach the stomach.

10. Amla

How it helps

  • Amla is a kapha and pitta pacifier apart from having high amounts of vitamin C that helps in healing the injured stomach lining and oesophagus.

Tip for relief

Have one teaspoon of amla powder twice a day to help keep acidity at bay.

So the next time you feel like you might suffer from a bout of acidity, ditch that bottle of antacid, and try some effective home remedies instead, after all they’ve been around for centuries.

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