• 9 Home Remedies Diarrhea

    1. Capsules of dried goldenseal appear to kill many of the bacteria, such as E. coli, that cause diarrhea. The key compound in the herb is berberine. Take the capsules daily until the diarrhea improves.

    2. Take frequent, small sips of water or a rehydration drink and small bites of salty crackers.

    3. Avoid spicy foods, fruits, alcohol, and caffeine until 48 hours after all symptoms have disappeared.

    4. Yogurt, especially the one with live bacterial cultures such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium is a great home remedy for diarrhea.

    5. Another effective home cure for diarrhea is apple cider vinegar. It acts as an effective agent against bacteria that cause diarrhea.

    6. When dealing with diarrhea, it is recommended to eat ripe bananas because of their high pectin content.

    7. While a lot of people know that ginger is used for some throat and voice problems, most are not aware that ginger can also be used for some stomach problems. Aside from diarrhea, it can also help alleviate cramps and abdominal pain.

    8. It has already been mentioned earlier, that bananas are also mixed in with other components to help relieve stomach problems including diarrhea. If you do not have any of the items mentioned above, eating a banana can also help because it has a high pectin content that can help stop diarrhea.

    9. Acupuncture may not be the first thing you think of when looking for a remedy for diarrhea. However, Chinese scientists have seen positive results using acupuncture to treat acute diarrhea in children with cerebral palsy.




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  • 14 Home remedies for Gastric

    1. Drink plenty of water
    Drink the water not less than six to eight glasses in a day to cure many problems other than gastric. Water is a wonderful remedy of removing gas as it will induce farting. This process will push gases to the excretory tract and replenish the empty space.

    2. Ginger root
    Prevent the gas formation with a single and easy home based ingredient ‘Ginger’. Chewing a piece of ginger after the meals will kick off the gas formation in stomach. If you can’t take it directly dab it with the food.

    3. Coconut water
    Drink coconut water will soothes the digestive system and gives the relief from gastric problem. Make a habit of drinking coconut water on the regular basis to absorb many proteins from it and get quick relief from gastric problem.

    4. Butter milk
    You can now combine butter milk with carom seeds and make a paste. Even you must add the black salt within the paste. This must be consumed to get instant relief from gastric problems. You need to take one teaspoon of black salt as well as carom seeds in a cup of butter milk. You can also replace carom seed with celery. Drink this solution to get relief from gastric problem.

    5. Peppermint Tea
    Peppermint contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect on your digestive tract, and even helps soothe nerves. Therefore, it’s one of the best home remedies for gas pain and churning stomachs.

    6. Apple Cider Vinegar
    Using apple cider vinegar will make your stomach acidic enough to digest food and relieve both gas and indigestion.

    7. Garlic
    Garlic utilizes its pungent heating quality and works wonders to stimulate your gastric system.

    8. Turmeric leaves
    Turmeric leaves are one of the best remedies for gas. Drink chopped turmeric leaves mixed with a one cup of milk daily for better results

    9. Guava leaves
    Take guava leaves and boil them in water. Once they come to a boil strain the leaves and drink the water. This is a simple remedy for gastric problems

    10. Potato juice
    Another best cure for stomach gas is potato juice. Take potato juice and drink about ½ cup of it before your meal. Repeat this three times a day for best results

    11. Onion
    Onion juice will help you get rid of stomach gas, but avoid eating any vegetables that cause gas

    12. Brandy
    Two teaspoons of brandy mixed to a glass of warm water will help you get relief from gas. Drink this solution daily before going to sleep.

    13. Herbal Tea
    People drinking herbal tea right after a heavy meal used to confuse me. If you have already ate heavy then why would you consume something more? But herbal teas work effectively in easing digestion. Mint, raspberry and blackberry tea can be taken after a heavy meal to reduce indigestion. Peppermint and chamomile work as great stomach pain relievers too. One can dip a herbal tea bag in warm water and enjoy the warm herbal tea. Fresh mint leaves or dried chamomile flowers can also be dipped in water.

    14. Lemon
    This tangy little citrus fruit is known to have a lot of health benefits. Preventing and curing indigestion is one of them. Mixed with hot water, lemon juice can help you get rid of nausea, heartburn and belching. It acts as a blood purifier, as a cleansing agent and stimulates digestion by helping the body to produce bile juices. Drinking fresh lemon water first thing in morning can help you prevent many kinds of digestive disorders and have a healthy digestive system.


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  • 12 Natural Treatments for Sciatic Pain

    1. Ice Packs
    Ice packs, or a simple package of frozen peas wrapped in a towel, can work wonders to provide instant relief for sciatica. Apply the packs directly on the affected area for 20 minutes, every two hours, until the pain is completely gone.

    2. Herbs And Oils
    Nature provides many herbs that have beneficial effects, and many of them can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. They can be found in capsules, salves, liniments and infused oils. You can also make tea from fresh or dried herbs, or use elixirs, tinctures and essential oils to relieve pain. But, make sure you consult your doctor or a professional herbalist, because some herbs may interfere with medications you may take.

    3. Sleep
    Last, but not least, try to get enough sleep. In doing so, this will give your nerves and body time to relax, heal and balance. Extra sleep and rest will help rebuild and strengthen your nerves.

    4. Hot packs
    After two to three days, apply heat to the areas that hurt. Use hot packs, a heat lamp or a heating pad on the lowest setting. If you continue to have pain, try alternating warm and cold packs.

    5. Over-the-counter medications
    Pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve) are sometimes helpful for sciatica.

    6. Chiropractor Spinal Adjustments
    There are different types of ruptured or herniated discs — some that cause more nerve pain than others. Prolapse disc bulges are less severe because the outermost layer of the disc is still intact, but extrusion or sequestration disc bulges are more drastic and usually more painful.

    7. Yoga and Stretching
    Moving in certain ways can aggravate sciatic pain, but in some cases it can actually help relieve the pain. Some people find that sitting, standing for a long time and moving around abruptly tends to trigger pain. The types of movements that tend to make pain worse involve scrunching or shortening the spine, such as raising the legs up, bringing the knees toward the chests or squatting.

    8. Acupuncture
    Acupuncture is an alternative treatment were hair-fine needles are inserted at specific points of your body. It stimulates energy flow and improves nerve function. Some people get relief after just one session, but for most people it takes a few sessions.

    9. Turmeric
    Turmeric is another effective natural remedy for sciatica because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains a compound called curcumin that helps reduce nerve pain and inflammation.

    10. Massage
    Massage therapy can relieve sciatica pain and also help the body heal itself, especially if the problem is caused by a muscle spasm. Plus, it helps release tension, stimulate circulation and increase the range of motion.

    11. Exercises
    In addition to rest, maintaining normal activity is highly beneficial for dealing with sciatica. A day or two after a sciatica flare up, you can start a regular exercise program to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. Strengthening the core muscles helps facilitate quick recovery.

    12. Acupuncture
    Acupuncture is another effective natural treatment to relieve sciatica pain, relax the muscles and help your body heal itself.


    Home of Dr. Axe


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  • 12 Home remedies for Stiff Neck

    1. Epsom Salt
    Soak Epsom salt in your bath water and take a bath with it. This salt contains magnesium and sulphate, which regulates the activity of various enzymes in the body. This remedy helps in increasing the blood circulation, reducing the muscle tension and stress.

    2. Apple Cider Vinegar
    Soak a paper napkin in some apple cider vinegar and place it on your neck. Leave it for few hours. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for stiff neck muscles as it gives great relief in just one application.

    3. Celery Leaves
    Blend celery leaves and extract its juice. Drink it daily to get relief from pain, caused due to a stiff neck.

    4. Applying ice or cold packs
    The cold helps reduce inflammation in the area, which in turn allows it to heal. The ice or cold pack should be applied in twenty-minute intervals during the initial 24 hours.

    5. Exercise
    Exercising helps a lot. Gently move your neck in a circular motion. You can also move your neck in back and forth position. Side to side movement is also good. You can also try moving your neck in a pattern of digit-8. But, make sure it doesn’t pain. If it pains, don’t do these exercises.

    6. Relaxation and Breathing:
    Emotional stress can cause muscle tension. Think creatively about ways that reduce stress in your life. Manage stress through relaxation techniques or abdominal breathing.

    7. Use moist heat on your neck
    Heat helps tightened muscles relax, moist heat is better than dry heat, as it can penetrate into the neck more effectively. Apply heat to the back or neck area for at least 20 minutes at a time, three times daily.

    8. Relax
    Emotional stress can trigger muscle tension. Pay attention to what stresses you: your drive to work, your rush to get dinner on the table each night, meetings with your boss, and so on. After you’ve identified your common stressors, think creatively about ways to reduce your stress. One way to manage stress is through relaxation techniques, such as progressive relaxation or abdominal breathing.

    9. Use massage
    Massage can help ease tense muscles and give temporary relief, and it may help you sleep better. First, take a hot bath or shower to relax the muscles. Then, have your partner use oil or lotion and rub your neck and shoulders using the fingers to apply gentle pressure in small circular motions. Next, have your partner rub your neck and shoulders using firm pressure and long, downward strokes. Don’t forget the chest area. If you don’t have a willing partner, try rubbing your own neck and chest area with oil or lotion for 10 or 15 minutes.

    10. Practice good posture
    Posture has more to do with neck pain than people realize. The head and spine balance in relation to gravity. When poor posture pulls the curve of the lower back forward, the upper back curves farther backward to compensate. In response, the neck curves forward, in a strained position.

    11. Unlearn “neck-bashing” habits
    Do you crimp the phone between your neck and shoulder? Do you often fall asleep sitting up in a chair and wake with your head tilted way back or your chin to your chest? Do you shampoo your hair in the sink? All of these habits can cause neck strain. Become aware of habits that strain your neck and replace them with neck-healthy ones.

    12. Sleep on a firm mattress
    If you wake in the morning with a stiff or sore neck, your mattress, pillow, or sleeping habits are probably the culprit. Use a firm mattress and keep your head aligned with your spine. Don’t sleep on your stomach, since it forces your head up. Avoid pillows that are too thick and firm; try feather or crushed-foam pillows rather than those of solid foam rubber.


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  • 12 Home Remedies to Treat Tinea Versicolor

    1. Neem
    This plant is known to have plenty of benefits for the skin. Its antimicrobial properties make it a highly effective remedy for Tinea Versicolor. You can use neem in different ways to cure this skin condition. A great method is to boil the leaves in water until they get infused. Strain the water and use it during your bath in place of regular water. You can also apply ground neem leaves on the affected areas and leave it on until the paste dries. Another way to use neem to treat this infection is to apply about 3 drops of neem oil ton the infected areas after showering.

    2. Turmeric
    For centuries, turmeric has been used as an effective treatment for injuries, infections, etc. To use this home remedy, make a paste out of this spice with water or any soothing oil. Apply it to the affected area and leave it on for 30 minutes or so. Wash it off and you will find noticeable results in a matter of days. You can also mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink it every day to heal this infection.

    3. Garlic
    This is a well-known remedy for Tinea Versicolor. Experts recommend eating two cloves of garlic with warm water every day before eating anything else. Applying the oil or juice of garlic can also alleviate the infection significantly. Apply the oil or juice to the affected parts and leave it on for 30 minutes before you bathe. Use a mild soap to wash it off.

    4. Virgin Coconut Oil
    Coconut oil is known for its soothing effect on the skin. It keeps it nourished and moisturized as well. You can use this beneficial oil to treat Tinea Versicolor. All you need to do is massage the oil on to the infected parts every day to effectively treat it. Its natural acids will help heal your skin and eliminate the infection.

    5. Apple Cider Vinegar
    Apple cider vinegar is also not anti inflammatory in nature but also prevents the skin infection very effectively. By the application of apple cider vinegar on your body you can get relief from the problems like itching. It is therefore advisable to follow the application of apple cider vinegar on the skin regularly to treat tinea versicolor completely.

    6. Lemon
    Lemons can also be used to treat the problem of tinea versicolor. Lemon has useful exfoliating properties that remove the skin symptoms like itching and inflammation. Not only this, lemon is also acidic in nature and thus prevents the growth of fungus on the skin. Rub a lemon on the skin to get the benefits.

    7. Baking soda
    Baking soda in your kitchen is a multitasking wonder. This has power to nourish, protect and heal your skin. Also, it is very effective solution to treat skin infections like tinea versicolor.

    8. Honey
    Honey has high levels of monosaccharides, fructose and glucose, containing about 70 to 80 percent sugar, which gives it its sweet taste – minerals and water make up the rest of its composition. But honey is also famous for many of its medicinal properties. Honey has natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. These properties will get your healing on the right track.

    9. Grapefruit Seed Extract
    Grapefruit seed extract is a natural cure for fungus infections. It is applied to the rash 2-3 times a day. This natural cure also has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

    10. Yogurt
    Yogurt has a high content of good bacteria that is needed by our body for regulating our metabolism and digestion. This bacteria resides in our body and is also responsible for keeping the naturally occurring yeast and fungal growth in control.

    11. Aloe Vera
    This herb is known for its various medicinal and skin benefits. it is anti microbial in nature and protects the body against fungal and bacterial infestation. Aloe Vera gel is obtained from the leaves of Aloe Vera plant. The gel is colorless and odorless which makes it ideal for application. Add a few drops of lavender oil in the gel for giving it a pleasant aroma. Apply 2-3 times in a day for effective results.

    12. Tea Tree Oil
    Tea tree oil is an effective home remedy for tinea versicolor because of its anti-fungal properties. It will inhibit the spread of the infection and prevent recurrence. In addition, it will provide relief from itchiness.


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  • 8 Reasons Why Oversleeping is a Bad thing

    1. Sleeping too much can increase diabetes risk
    In a small study from Quebec, researchers found that people who slept more than eight hours a night were twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance over a six-year period than people who slept between seven and eight hours a night, even after controlling for differences in body mass.

    2. It could cause you to die younger
    According to WebMD, researchers have found that eight or more hours sleep a night could shorten your life. The study included more than 1 million participants and found that those who slept eight hours or more each night died younger. They note that this cannot be fully explained but that there is a strong association.

    3. It can hurt the heart.
    This one’s a bit of a puzzler but it definitely seems like there’s a strong link between habitual oversleeping and having a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease at some point in your life. The link between coronary heart disease and oversleeping isn’t entirely clear, though.

    4. You May Experience More Headaches
    This just seems unfair. Getting a blissful 12 hours and waking up to a head that feels split in half by an axe? What on earth is going on with that?

    5. You’re More Likely To Have Depression
    Oversleeping actually isn’t a clear indicator that you’re depressed only 15 percent of all depressed people oversleep but it does seem that oversleeping makes it more likely that you’ll develop a form of depression in your life. Lethargy and the refusal to get out of bed are pretty powerful psychological influences on mood, which is why so many psychologists tell depressed patients to regulate their sleep as much as possible. And, obviously, there’s the point we just discussed: oversleeping lowers your serotonin, which is likely to kill your mood.

    6. People with a condition called hypersomnia oversleep quite a bit
    Hypersomnia is a condition characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, and excessive nighttime sleeping. People with hypersomnia feel the need to nap repeatedly throughout the day, although the naps do nothing to relieve the sleepiness. Napping can also come at inappropriate times, such as during work or meals. These people may routinely experience sleep inertia as well.

    7. Those who use alcohol or other drugs can have problems with oversleeping
    Drowsiness is a common side effect of many medications.

    8. It could make you more tired
    Sleeping too much can leave you feeling less rested and more tired. Because your body is trying to compensate poor quality sleep with larger quantity sleep, you may feel less energized. Quality over quantity is the key here.

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  • 6 Home Remedies of Sarcoidosis

    Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease condition, a very rare one at that, which is neither contagious nor injurious to one’s health; meaning it will not deprive one’s capability to live a normal life. While there are conventional methods available to treat this condition, the use of natural remedies is more in popularity that effectively helps in better management of this condition. There are two means by which it can be naturally treated, one by using the common natural remedies, and the other by employing more recent improvised methods that claim to provide better and faster results.

    Home remedies 

    1. Goldenseal
    Goldenseal is another effective herbal remedy for treating symptoms of sarcoidosis. This herb has been used extensively in the United States for treating a number of health conditions. This herb is a part of the buttercup family, and possesses a bitter taste, while exhibiting cooling activity. For treating health ailments, the root of Goldenseal is utilized mostly.

    2. Diet Treatment
    Diet plays an important role in treating symptoms of sarcoidosis. Although the exact reason for the occurrence of this condition has not been found out till date, it is believed by many health experts that it occurs due to a weakened immune system; thereby, making it important for you to consume immunity-boosting foods. You should foods that contain antioxidants, as they help in enhancing immunity and deterring the activity of free radicals.

    3. Garlic
    Garlic is an effective home remedy that can be used for treating sarcoidosis. This spice has been used for dealing with numerous medical ailments. Allicin, which is the active ingredient in garlic, is effective in decreasing symptoms of inflammation and pain, making it useful for treating sarcoidosis. However, you should not consume too much garlic as it may cause certain ill effects.

    4. Turmeric
    As claimed by experts, turmeric is widely known for its anti-inflammatory property and helps in treating various health problems. A part of the ginger group, turmeric has been used both in Ayurveda and in traditional Chinese medicines.

    5. Chamomile
    A member of the aster family, chamomile is an anti-inflammatory along with having analgesic properties. It is antityretic too, which has an ability to restrain the acid metabolism of the arachidonic chemicals. According to Tilgner, chamomile contains various kinds of anti- inflammatory elements.

    6. Ginger And Licorice
    Licorice root and the Ginsengs have a steroid like inflammatory action which supports the adrenaline glands thus giving good results in treating sarcoidosis. Ginger in particular is known for curbing inflammation and can be consumed in your everyday diet.


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  • 9 Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

    1. Decreases Risk for Heart Disease and Stroke
    Eating more deeply colored orange vegetables like carrots decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in adult women. Regardless of other cardiovascular risks, current research indicates that drinking carrot juice benefits heart health by lowering oxidative stress and improves the body’s defense against various forms of cardiovascular disease.

    2. For Glowing Skin
    The presence of antioxidants and essential minerals such as potassium contribute to preventing cell degradation, thereby keeping your skin healthy and young. These nutrients also protect your skin against dryness, improving skin tone and reducing scars and blemishes. This is the reason why you often find carrots being used in natural home remedies for beauty.

    3. Protects Eye Health
    Three crucial nutrients — beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin — within carrots considerably boost eye health. For example, without beta carotene (a form of vitamin A), various forms of eye disorders can occur — including macular degeneration and even blindness. Lutein and zeaxanthin, meanwhile, both work to reduce the risk of age-related vision loss.

    4. Cholesterol
    Pectin in carrots lowers the serum cholesterol levels.

    5. Constipation
    Take five parts of carrot juice with one part of spinach juice regularly to regulate chronic constipation problems.

    6. Kidney Health
    The healing properties in carrot juices are helpful for cleansing and filtering the kidneys. Although many juicing “experts” say that people with kidney failure shouldn’t drink juices, this story tells you about the miracle of carrot juice for kidneys.

    7. Ulcers
    The abundance of nutrient present in carrots help nourish cells that have been starved of nutrients which result in ulcers.

    8. Cancer
    A variety of dietary carotenoids have been shown to have anti-cancer effects due to their antioxidant power in reducing free radicals in the body.

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  • 13 Health Benefits of Grapefruits

    Refreshing and delicious grapefruit is rich in phytonutrients like lycopene, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. The fruit is well known as “fruit from the paradise” for its unique health-promoting as well as disease preventing properties especially among the health-conscious, fitness enthusiasts.

    1. Tumors and Cancer
    Grapefruit contains a high amount of lycopene that is carotenoid phytonutrient and has anti-tumor property. Lycopene protects from free radicals as it actively fights to neutralize it. Pink Grapefruit contains a high amount of lycopene than any other variety. So including pink grapefruit in daily diet will help to fight prostate cancer.

    2. Common cold
    A common cold is usually your body telling you that you are overworked. A regular drink of grapefruit during a stressful period gives your immune system the boost needed to prevent it coming on.

    3. Fatigue
    At the end of a long and tiring day, drink a glass of grapefruit juice with lemon juice in equal parts with a little honey, to dispel all fatigue and tiredness.

    4. Sore throat
    Drinking a freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice helps relieve sore throats and soothes coughs.

    5. Losing Weight
    Grapefruit is high in enzymes that burn fats, has high water content and has less sodium. A combination of these three characteristics make grapefruit a perfect food for increasing your body’s metabolism. Try eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice every day and you will notice how quickly you lose those extra pounds.

    6. Cancer Prevention
    Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that is responsible for the red color of grapefruit. It is a powerful agent against tumors and cancers as it acts as a scavenger of cancer-causing free radicals. Lycopene works best with vitamins A and C, which are also found in grapefruit.

    7. Strengthens Immune System
    It is well known any fruit rich in vitamin C will strengthen and support our immune system. Vitamin C works with other micronutrients that provide good and regular nourishment for the body. Micronutrient deficiencies of vitamins A, B6, C, and E have been found to alter immune responses in animals and are thought to have a similar effect on the human immune response.

    8. Fever
    The pulp or the juice of grapefruit helps patients recover quickly from fevers, and it reduces the burning sensation that occurs when the body reaches a high temperature. It is also known as a way to boost the immune system against colds and other common illnesses. Grapefruit juice, when combined with water, can quench thirst very quickly and can keep you hydrated longer. Most of these benefits come from the high content of vitamin-C in grapefruits, which acts as a general immune system defense system and can help the body fight to break fevers.

    9. Diabetes
    Diabetic patients can safely eat grapefruit, because consuming grapefruit can reduce the level of starch in the body. If a patient is diabetic, intake of grapefruit can help them to regulate the flow of sugar in their body, effectively handling the disease. recent studies have shown this beneficial relationship between diabetes and grapefruits to be due to the flavonoid content of grapefruits, along with a number of other healthy benefits from those compounds.

    10. Charge Up Your Metabolism
    Grapefruit also speeds up your metabolism, supporting your efforts to lose weight. Along with proper diet and exercise a metabolism lift can help you lose up to two pounds a week. An added benefit of a raised metabolism is that fat continues to burn even as you rest. Weight can be lost even faster and the healthier weight is maintained far more easily.

    11. Liver Cleanser
    Help the liver by cleansing unhealthy toxins from the body. Drinking or eating grapefruit leads to feeling better. Detoxification of the liver is said to improve overall help alleviate symptoms of chronic conditions, such as, depression, stiff muscles, and chronic headaches. Dangerous toxins that affect our health are all around us, a cleansing can help eliminate some of these deadly toxins.

    12. Reduces Bad Cholesterol
    Studies indicate that LDL, the bad cholesterol, was lowered by 15% with regular grapefruit consumption. Blond grapefruit was found to be more beneficial than red. Triglycerides, another form of bad cholesterol, were found to be lowered 17%. Benefits were seen after only a month when at-risk patients added it to their diet.

    13. Gum Disease
    Scientists found that eating two grapefruit a day prevents and can reverse damage caused by gum disease. The conclusion was that free radicals are not formed when grapefruit is added to the diet. Left untreated or undiagnosed gum disease can lead to oral cancer. Gum disease can also lead to bacteria that damage the heart.


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  • 12 Ways to Treat Burns Naturally

    1. Raw Potato
    Raw potato can treat minor skin burns due to its anti-irritating and soothing properties. It will alleviate the pain and reduce the chance of having blisters.

    2. Papaya
    When we have a burn on our skin and once it starts healing, our next concern could be the permanent mark it could leave on the body. Here’s where papaya comes to your rescue. Enzymes in papaya can remove dead skin cells through its exfoliating action.

    3. Salt
    Many a time our mouth could have burnt as a result of eating hot food or drinking hot tea. Next time you are faced with such a condition, wash your mouth with salt water 5-6 times a day to prevent pain and discomfort. Salt heals wounds fast and hence can be applied directly on first and second degree wounds, based on their severity.

    4. Oatmeal
    As minor burns heal, they can become itchy. A good way to relieve the itch is by putting this breakfast cereal into the tub. Crumble 1 cup uncooked oatmeal into a bath of lukewarm water as the tub is filling. Soak 15 to 20 minutes and then air dry so that a thin coating of oatmeal remains on your skin. Use caution getting in and out of the tub since the oatmeal makes surfaces slippery.

    5. Salt
    Mouth burns can be relieved by rinsing with salt water every hour or so. Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt in 8 ounces warm water.

    6. Tea bags
    Teatime can be anytime you suffer a minor burn. The tannic acid found in black tea helps draw heat from a burn. Put 2 to 3 tea bags under a spout of cool water and collect the tea in a small bowl. Gently dab the liquid on the burn site.

    7. Ice cube
    A tongue burn is best treated with ice rather than cool water. Often, in great anticipation, children (and adults, for that matter) sip their soup or hot chocolate before it cools down and get a tongue burn. Since it’s tricky to stick a burned tongue under the faucet, try sucking on an ice cube. First rinse the cube under water so it doesn’t stick to the tongue or lips.

    8. Aloe Vera
    Aloe vera has astringent and tissue-healing properties that can help in healing burns.

    9. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice
    Coconut oil and lemon juice both can help treat a minor burn when it has cooled and dried. Coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid and caprylic acid that offer anti-fungal, antioxidant and anti-bacterial benefits. Lemon juice has acidic properties that naturally lighten the scars.

    10. Vinegar
    The astringent and antiseptic properties in vinegar can be very helpful in treating minor burns and preventing infection.

    11. Onion Juice
    Onion juice has components like sulfur compounds and quercetin that can relieve pain, help heal the burn and reduce the chance of blistering.

    12. Honey
    Also harnessing antibiotic properties that can help prevent infection, honey can be a great natural burn treatment simply when applied to the area. You may also try placing honey on a gauze bandage and keeping it on throughout the day. If you go this route, change the bandage 3-4 times.



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