Daily Archives: December 15, 2015

18 Ways to Build Healthy Bones

1. Know your family history
As with many medical conditions, family history is a key indicator of bone health. Those with a parent or sibling who has or had osteoporosis are more likely to develop it. “So, how’s your bone density, Grandma?” might seem like an awkward question at Thanksgiving dinner, but ask anyway before she passes the gravy.

2. Boost calcium consumption
When most people think bones, they think calcium. This mineral is essential for the proper development of teeth and bones. (Not to mention it’s a huge helper in proper muscle function, nerve signaling, hormone secretion, and blood pressure.)

3. Don’t forget the vitamin D
Where there’s calcium, there must be vitamin D: the two work together to help the body absorb bone-boosting calcium. Boost vitamin D consumption by munching on shrimp, fortified foods like cereal and orange juice, sardines, eggs (in the yolks) and tuna, or opt for a vitamin D supplement. Greatist Expert Eugene Babenko suggests getting your vitamin D (specifically vitamin D3) levels checked at your next doctor’s appointment, and to discuss the use of supplements with your doctor.

4. Boost bone density with vitamin K
Vitamin K is mostly known for helping out with blood clotting, but it also helps the body make proteins for healthy bones. However, the exact way vitamin K contributes to bone health is unclear. Two studies on young girls showed that vitamin K had different effects: one showed that vitamin K slowed bone turnover, but it didn’t have any effect on bone mineral density, while the other found the reverse.

5. Pump up the potassium
Potassium isn’t necessarily known for aiding bone health: it’s a mineral that helps nerves and muscles communicate and also helps cells remove waste. But it turns out potassium may neutralize acids that remove calcium from the body.

6. Make exercise a priority Seriously
Regular exercise is key to keep a number of health issues at bay, and bone health is no exception. In fact, living a sedentary lifestyle is considered a risk factor for osteoporosis. One study comparing bone density in college women with various body weights and activity levels found that athletes with low body weight had the highest bone density of any group in the study, showing exercise (and low body weight) can have a positive effect on bone density.

7. Consume less caffeine
Caffeine does have some health benefits, but unfortunately not for our bones. Too much of it can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium. One study showed that drinking more than two cups of coffee per day accelerated bone loss in subjects who also didn’t consume enough calcium. Another study (albeit on elderly women) showed that more than 18 ounces of coffee per day can accelerate bone loss by negatively interacting with vitamin D. So enjoy the java, but keep it in moderation and consume enough calcium, too.

8. Cool it on the booze
But like caffeine, there’s no need to quit entirely. While heavy alcohol consumption can cause bone loss (because it interferes with vitamin D doing its job), moderate consumption (that’s one drink per day for women, two per day for men) is fine — and recent studies actually show it may help slow bone loss. Bottoms up!

9. Quit smoking
Here’s yet another reason to lose the cigarettes: multiple studies have shown that smoking can prevent the body from efficiently absorbing calcium, decreasing bone mass.

10. Don’t be an astronaut
Not to kill any childhood dreams, but because of those hours and hours of weightlessness and low-calcium diets, astronauts often suffer from space-induced osteoporosis. Space-anything sounds kind of awesome, but space bones definitely aren’t: astronauts can lose up to 1% to 2% of their bone mass per month on a mission! For those who simply must visit the moon, there is a possible solution: two studies have found that vitamin K can help build back astronauts’ lost bone — more than calcium and vitamin D.

Beside this

11. Yogurt
Most people get their vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but certain foods, like yogurt, are fortified with vitamin D.

12. Milk
There’s a reason milk is the poster child for calcium. Eight ounces of fat-free milk will cost you 90 calories, but provide you with 30% of your daily dose of calcium. Choose a brand fortified with vitamin D to get double the benefits.

13. Cheese
Just because cheese is full of calcium doesn’t mean you need to eat it in excess (packing on the pounds won’t help your joints!). Just 1.5 ounces (think a set of dice) of cheddar cheese contains more than 30% of your daily value of calcium, so enjoy in moderation.

14. Sardines
These tiny fish, often found in cans, have surprisingly high levels of both vitamin D and calcium. Though they may look a bit odd, they have a savory taste that can be delicious in pastas and salads.

15. Eggs
Though eggs only contain 6% of your daily vitamin D, they’re a quick and easy way to get it. Just don’t opt for egg whites—they may cut calories, but the vitamin D is in the yolk.

16. Salmon
Salmon is known for having plenty of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but a 3-ounce piece of sockeye salmon contains more than 100% of your vitamin D. So eat up for your heart and your bones.

17. Spinach
Don’t eat dairy products? Spinach will be your new favorite way to get calcium. One cup of cooked spinach contains almost 25% of your daily calcium, plus fiber, iron, and vitamin A.

18. Orange juice
A glass of fresh-squeezed OJ doesn’t have calcium or vitamin D, but it’s often fortified to contain these nutrients. Try Tropicana’s Calcium + Vitamin D to get a boost of these essentials.


10 Ways to Build Healthy Bones (and Keep Them Strong)


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5 Surprising Benefits of Vegetables

1. Vitamins and Antioxidants
One of the main health benefits of vegetables is their high nutrient content. Vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals that contribute to growth and the maintenance of good health. For example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture notes that many vegetables are high in potassium, which is important for healthy blood pressure. Various vitamins, such as C and A, help keep eyes, skin, teeth and gums healthy, fight infection and promote wound healing. Perhaps most importantly, vegetables are rich in a particular group of nutrients called antioxidants, which fight cellular damage and help prevent heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack and Alzheimer’s disease, says the Linus Pauling Institute.

2. They create a youthful glow
Want younger-looking skin? Vegetables prevent unwanted signs of aging and keep skin young and supple thanks to phytonutrients, vitamin C and high water content. Many vegetables are 85% to 95% water, which helps hydrate the skin and reduce wrinkles. And phytonutrients, found in all vegetables, can guard against premature aging by preventing cell damage from stress, the sun, pollution and other environmental toxins. Vitamin C aids in collagen formation, according to studies.

3. Fiber
Another substantial benefit of vegetables is dietary fiber. Fiber is an important nutrient found only in plant foods. As part of a healthy diet, fiber helps scour bad cholesterol out of your arteries, thus lowering your risk of heart disease, says the USDA. Fiber also keeps your digestive system running smoothly, helps control your blood sugar levels and may help prevent cancer.

4. Diet-friendly Characteristics
Vegetables are also a boon to dieters. Because they are generally low in fat and calories, you can eat a lot of them without gaining weight. If you substitute vegetables for other, higher-calorie foods in your diet, you’ll slash your calorie and fat intake, making weight management easier. The fiber in vegetables also helps you manage your weight. Fiber makes you feel fuller for a longer period, helping you eat less overall and aiding with weight loss or maintenance.

5. They protect your bones
Most people think of dairy foods as the bone protectors, thanks to their high calcium and vitamin D content. But some vegetables also have these same nutrients in addition to bone-building vitamin K, magnesium, potassium and prebiotic fiber.


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16 Tips to Cure fever at Home

1. Drink lots of water
Aim to drink at least eight ounces of water every two hours. Your body can quickly lose moisture and get dehydrated by sweating or sneezing caused by illnesses, such as colds and flu, that are often associated with a fever. Dehydration can cause your temperature to rise and often leads to headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, low blood pressure, and seizures.

2. Wear comfortable clothing
Wear loose, comfortable clothes when you have a fever to help your body relax and improve air circulation to help you stay cool. Remove excess clothing or blankets that can trap heat and make a fever last longer.Try one layer of lightweight clothing, and one lightweight blanket or sheet for sleep.

3. Lower the room temperature
High temperatures can make a fever last longer and cause excessive sweating that can lead to dehydration. The room temperature should ideally be 73–77℉.[12] If the room is hot or stuffy, a fan may help.

4. Get plenty of rest
Getting enough rest helps your body heal faster by strengthening the immune system. Avoid moving around too much. Take some time off work to get even more sleep than you usually do if possible.

5. Take a fever-reducing medication
If the fever is very high or causing you serious discomfort, you can take a fever-reducing medication. Several medicines target fevers: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin, for instance. Take these over-the-counter medications as the label suggests to help bring down your fever.

6. Take a warm shower
A warm shower or bath that lasts for 5-10 minutes can help stimulate sweat that keeps your body cool, soothe sore muscles, and decongest sinuses that may be blocked due to a cold. Make sure the water is not too hot to avoid increasing your core temperature, which may cause the fever to last longer.

7. Sponge down
If a bath doesn’t sound too appealing, use a moist towel instead. Soak small towels in lukewarm water and dab them on your forehead or under your arms. This stimulates sweat that helps keep your body cool, improves blood circulation and can reduce nasal congestion caused by a cold or flu.

8. Keep your nose clear
If your fever is caused by a cold or flu, it’s important to keep your nose clear to breathe comfortably. Difficult breathing can increase your fever. Don’t blow your nose too hard, as the pressure can give you an earache on top of the cold. Be sure to blow gently and only as often as necessary.

9. Stay indoors
Unless you’re already outdoors when your fever comes on, it is best to curl up and rest indoors where the air is dry and the temperature won’t change much. If you must be outdoors while suffering from your fever, stay in the shade and limit activity.

10. Avoid smoking
In addition to the risks of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases, smoking also suppresses the body’s immune system.[21] Smoking thus requires the body to fight harder against viruses and bacteria, which increases body temperature. It is best to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, nicotine, and other tobacco products until your fever has reduced.

Beside this, you can also use natural ways as

11. Coriander tea
Coriander seeds contain vitamins and phytonutrients which help boost your immune system. In addition to this, the presence of antibiotic compounds and potent volatile oils, coriander acts as an effective natural aid to combat a viral infection.

12. Dill seeds decoction
In addition to strengthening the immune system and relaxing the body, dill seeds are also useful in reducing the body temperature. Due to the presence of flavonoids and monoterpenes, dill seed decoction acts as powerful antimicrobial agent to relieve viral fever.

13. Tulsi leaves
One of the most effective and widely used natural remedies to help relieve the symptoms of viral fever is tulsi leaves. The anti-bacterial, germicidal, anti-biotic and fungicidal properties make tulsi leaves a potent remedy for a viral fever. Apart from this, you can also try these natural aids to improve your immunity.

14. Rice starch
A common home remedy used since ancient times to treat viral fever naturally is rice starch (known as kanji in Hindi). This traditional remedy acts as a diuretic agent that increases urination and boosts the immune system. It also acts as a natural nourishing drink, especially for children and older people suffering from viral fever.

15. Dry ginger mixture
Ginger is a powerhouse of health benefits and contains compounds that show anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic properties to ease the symptoms of viral fever. Hence, people suffering from viral fever are recommended to consume dry ginger with some honey to help relieve the discomfort associated with viral fever.

16. Fenugreek water
A readily available ingredient in the kitchen, fenugreek seeds are a reservoir of medicinal compounds like diosgenin, saponins and alkaloids. Apart from these, fenugreek also contains various compounds that help reduce fever and other symptoms associated with viral infection. Additionally, you can use fenugreek or methi for various health comlications, here’s a complete guide to use it.


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18 Tips to Prevent Asthma

1. Avoid asthma triggers
Everyone’s asthma triggers are different. Some people’s asthma is triggered by exposure to pet hair or fur; others by pollens, and others by non-allergic irritants, such as perfumes. Some women notice that their asthma is worst just before their monthly period.

2. Stop smoking
Stopping smoking is the best way to help yourself if you have asthma, according to Dr Mike Thomas from Asthma UK. “Smoke acts as an irritant and can trigger asthma attacks,” says Dr Thomas. “It makes inhaled medicine less effective. As a result, you’re likely to need to take bigger doses of inhaled steroid medication.

3. Regular exercise helps
Although exercise or physical activity can trigger an asthma attack, it shouldn’t happen once you have the appropriate treatment, such as inhalers. “People with asthma should take regular exercise. It’s the healthy thing to do,” Dr Thomas says. “Walking, swimming and cycling are all activities you can do if you have asthma. A lot of top sportsmen and women have asthma.” (Note that scuba divers need to have special medicals before they can dive)

4. Be in control
“It’s good for people with asthma to be in control of their condition,” says Dr Thomas. “Form a partnership with your GP or asthma nurse. Make sure that you understand your condition, and that you have a personal action plan. Know what to do when things change.

5. Take care in cold weather
Cold air is a major trigger of asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and shortness of breath. Be especially careful in winter. Stay indoors on very cold, windy days. If you go out, wear a scarf over your nose and mouth. Be extra careful about taking your regular medications. Keep rescue inhalers close by and in a warm place.

6. Eat healthily
Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and few additives may help with asthma in the long term. It also helps if you stay trim. “Obesity has an adverse impact on asthma, so people with asthma should try to stay a healthy weight,” says Dr Thomas.

7. Get your jabs
If you take inhaled or oral steroids to control your asthma, you need flu and pneumonia vaccinations to reduce your chances of a serious respiratory illness.
The flu and pneumonia jabs are available free from your GP.

8. Check your painkillers
If you have asthma and you take aspirin or other painkillers, there’s a very small chance that you’ll have a bad reaction to the medication. If this happens, stop taking the aspirin and seek advice from your doctor.

Home Remedies
9. Honey
Honey is a natural healing agent and also has mild anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help in removing the bacteria causing the cough and also in preventing the inflammation that causes the asthma wheezing to be triggered.

10. Flax Seeds
A natural anti inflammatory agent and also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, intake of flax oil is known to reduce asthma wheezing and also prevent the occurrence of the symptoms on a regular basis.

11. Garlic
This medicinal bulb can be used for treating a number of diseases like asthma wheezing and also bacterial infections like cough, which too can cause mucous build up in the bronchial tubes and cause asthma wheezing. Take 3-4 cloves of garlic every day if you have asthma. If the smell is bothering you, you can make an infusion by crushing garlic cloves and boiling with a cup of water.

12. Camphor And Mustard
Mustard oil is known to break down mucous build up inside the airways and offer relief from asthma wheezing. Mixing it with camphor will help in increasing the effectiveness of the home remedy. Take some mustard oil and warm it slightly. Add some camphor powder and mix well.

13. Coffee
Hot black coffee may not be a good choice when you take into account the caffeine content and its stimulant properties. However, for asthma wheezing, a hot cup of coffee can actually help in reducing the symptoms. The hot beverage will help in melting the obstructive phlegm and the caffeine that is present in coffee helps in reducing the inflammation and opening up the air passages, thereby easing the difficulty in breathing.

14. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a Chinese herb that has been used for many centuries for treating asthma wheezing and bronchitis and also for increasing the function of the lungs.

15. Turmeric
Having antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties, turmeric too is a wonderful remedy for treating asthma wheezing. Take half a teaspoon of freshly ground powder of turmeric and add it to a glass of warm water. Drink this every day for asthma wheezing to come down. With continuous intake, the symptoms too will be reduced and the patient will have better control of asthma. It is the curcumin that is present in turmeric that has anti inflammatory properties.

16. Lemon Juice
The juice of lemon when taken every day will keep the mucous under control and prevent the clogging of the airways that cause asthma wheezing.

17. Steam Therapy
Steaming is the most effective way of removing the thickened phlegm from your airways. You can use a pot full of boiling water for this purpose. Cover your head and the pot with a thick cloth and inhale the fumes through your nose and mouth at least for fifteen minutes every session.

18. Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is known to open the blocked air passages and offer instant relief from asthma wheezing. Take a few drops of eucalyptus oil and add to the pot of boiling water which you use for steam inhalation. Inhale the fumes for instant relief. When you sleep, eucalyptus oil can be sprayed on your pillow or a handkerchief and kept near your nose. This will ensure that the air passages are clear and the asthma wheezing is under control.


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