
14 Obesity: Related disease


Disease and Care Medical Updates

1. Increased cholesterol, elevated triglycerides (dyslipidemia)
Primary this disease is associated with obesity characterized by elevated levels of triglyceride, decreased HDL cholesterol, and the wrong composition of LDL cholesterol.

2. High blood pressure (hypertension)
There are many factors to blame for the occurrence of hypertension, but the cases are from obesity, which results in increased blood pressure. In persons with overweight, in most cases there is an increased production of insulin, which increases the blood pressure.

3. Diabetes
Diabetes Obesity is considered one of the most significant factors in the development of insulin resistance, and insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, more than 90 percent of diabetes patients worldwide have type 2 diabetes. Being overweight or obese contributes to the development of diabetes by making cells more resistant to the effects of insulin. A weight loss of 15-20 pounds can help you decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Read: Exercising with Diabetes.

4. Coronary heart disease
Obesity is associated with risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Overweight every year is causing a growing number of cases, and deaths.

5. Cancer
According to the data from 2002, only in the US were diagnosed 41,000 new cases of cancer caused by obesity. In other words, about 3.2% of the cases are associated with obesity.

6. Infertility
Being obese can cause changes in the hormonal levels of women, which can result in ovarian failure. Women who are 15-25 pounds overweight are at a higher risk of suffering from infertility and ovarian cancer. Our bodies need to be at an appropriate weight to produce the right amount of hormones and regulate ovulation and menstruation. Don’t think men are immune to infertility. Overweight men have a greater chance of developing motility and a lower sperm count. Shedding 12-14 pounds can help you lower the risks.

7. Back Pain
Obesity is one the contributing factors of back and joint pain. Excessive weight can cause injury to the most vulnerable parts of the spine, which carries the body’s weight. When it has to carry excess weight, the odds of suffering from a spinal injury or structural damage increase. Being overweight also raises the risk of developing osteoporosis, lower back pain, arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Losing 10-15 pounds can help you decrease the risk of developing these problems.

8. Skin Infections
Obese and overweight individuals may have skin that folds over on itself. These creased areas can become irritated from the rubbing and sweating, which can lead to skin infections.

9. Ulcers
According to a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), obesity can be a contributing factor to the development of gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers occur when there is an imbalance between the amount of hydrochloric acid that is secreted and the enzyme pepsin. Overweight men are at a greater risk of developing gastric ulcers than women. A weight loss of as little as 7 pounds can help reduce the risk.

10. Diseases of the gall bladder
Excess weight is a major risk factor for developing gallstones. In such cases, the liver produces excessive amounts of cholesterol, which is then supplied in bile which becomes condensed. Doctors say that certain foods such as saturated fats and refined sugars are the primary culprit for this.

11. Degeneration of bones and cartilage (osteoarthritis)
Obesity causes osteoarthritis in most joints, especially the knees. To this disease more prone are the women – representatives of obese female have nine times more chances to develop the disease.

12. Problems with breathing
Obesity can cause breathing problems. On the chest appears a sense of weight, and obese people find it harder to breathe as they walk, run or carry something.

13. Sleep apnea
Apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing that can last from several seconds to several minutes. Sleep apnea is directly related to excess weight.

14. Type 2 diabetes
The overweight is one of the most common risk factors for the appearance of diabetes type 2.



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