• 10 Health Benefits of Mushroom

    The health benefits of mushrooms include relief from high cholesterol levels, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes. It also helps in weight loss, and increases the strength of your immune system.

    1. Cholesterol Levels
    Mushrooms themselves provide you with lean proteins since they have no cholesterol or fat and are very low carbohydrates. The fiber and certain enzymes in mushrooms also help lower cholesterol levels. Moreover, the high lean protein content in mushrooms helps burn cholesterol when they are digested. Balancing levels of cholesterol between LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) and HDL (“good” cholesterol) is essential in the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases like artherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.

    2. Boost your immune system
    A study done on mice and published by the American Society for Nutrition found that white button mushrooms may promote immune function by increasing the production of antiviral and other proteins that are released by cells while they are trying to protect and repair the body’s tissues. A later study showed that these mushrooms promoted the maturation of immune system cells–called dendritic cells–from bone marrow. According to he researchers, this may help enhance the body’s immunity leading to better defence systems against invading microbes.

    3. Breast Cancer & Prostate Cancer
    Mushrooms are very effective in preventing breast and prostate cancer due to the significant presence of various polysaccharides, like Beta-Glucans and conjugated Linoleic Acid, which both have anti-carcinogenic effects. Out of these two, linoleic acid is particularly helpful in suppressing the harmful effects of excess estrogen. This increase in estrogen is one of the prime causes for breast cancer in women after menopause. The Beta-Glucans, on the other hand, inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in cases of prostate cancer, and numerous studies have shown the antitumor properties of mushrooms when applied medicinally.

    4. Diabetes
    They have no fats, no cholesterol, very low levels of carbohydrates, high protein content, and a wealth of vitamins and minerals. They also contain a lot of water and fiber. Moreover, they contain natural insulin and enzymes which help the breaking down of sugar or starch in food. They are also known to contain certain compounds which help proper functioning of the liver, pancreas and other endocrine glands, thereby promoting the formation of insulin and its proper regulation throughout the body. Diabetics often suffer from infections, particularly in their limbs, which tend to continue for long periods of time. The natural antibiotics in mushrooms can help protect diabetics from these painful and potentially life-threatening conditions.

    5. Bone Health
    Mushrooms are a rich source of calcium, which is an essential nutrient in the formation and strength of bones. A steady supply of calcium in the diet can reduce your chances of developing conditions like osteoporosis, and can also reduce joint pain and general lack of mobility that is associated with bone degradation.

    6. Improved nutrition
    One dietary analysis4 found that mushroom consumption was associated with better diet quality and improved nutrition. Increasing vitamin D levels through your diet: Consuming dried white button mushroom extract was found to be as effective as taking supplemental vitamin D2 or D3 for increasing vitamin D levels.

    7. Weight management
    One study2, 3 found that substituting red meat with white button mushrooms can help enhance weight loss. Obese participants with a mean age of just over 48 years ate approximately one cup of mushrooms per day in place of meat. The control group ate a standard diet without mushrooms.

    8. Immune System Strength
    Ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant present in mushrooms, is very effective in providing protection from free radicals as well as boosting the immune system. It is actually an amino acid that contains sulfur, which is something that many people are deficient in, despite not knowing it or seeing its effects. That being said, the presence of this “master antioxidant” which is unique to mushrooms, can give you a major boost to immune system health. It helps to eliminate free radicals, which are the dangerous compounds that are released during the metabolic processes of cells, and can float throughout the body and cause significant damage and disease, so antioxidants, like ergothioneine, are vital elements for overall health.

    9. Blood Pressure
    Studies of various types of mushrooms, including shitake and maitake mushrooms, have shown them to be high in potassium content. Potassium acts as a vasodilator, relaxing tension in blood vessels and therefore reducing blood pressure. High blood pressure is connected to a number of deadly conditions, particularly heart attacks and strokes. Potassium also increases cognitive function, because increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain stimulates neural activity. Studies have shown that increased levels of potassium improve memory and knowledge retention.

    10. Be good to your bladder
    An analysis of seven studies—published last year in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention—showed that the higher the level of selenium, as measured in blood serum and toenails, the lower the risk of bladder cancer. Selenium had a significant protective effect mainly among women, which the researchers believe may result from gender-specific differences in this its accumulation and excretion. Several types of mushrooms are rich in this essential trace mineral: 100 grams of raw crimini have 47 percent of your daily needs, cooked shiitakes have 45 percent and raw white button have 17 percent.


    Mushroom: Top Benefits & Side Effects


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  • Natural Pain Killers Found In Your Kitchen

    Painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are commonly used to soothe our daily aches. Many of these over-the-counter drugs are doing more harm to your body and are widely overused for chronic pain. They are addictive and can cause serious damage to the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Therefore more and more people are seeking natural alternatives to ease pain and heal their body. 

    There are foods that naturally decrease inflammation, normalize the body’s responses, and lessen pain. Many of these foods speed healing, protect the cells from damage, and deliver essential vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients while they are at it. Please note however, that pain or other symptoms which persist could be a sign of something more serious and may require medical intervention. If you are concerned, consult your medical practitioner. Here are some of the natural pain killers that can be easily found in your kitchen.

    1. Ginger – This spice is often used to reduce nausea, but it has been shown to be just as effective as aspirin or ibuprofen in reducing pain. Gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, works well against rheumatoid arthritis in studies and is also being looked at for its anticancer properties.

    2. Turmeric Turmeric has been used for ages in Ayurvedic medicine to fight inflammation, promote detoxification, repair tissues, relief pain, and improve overall health. Turmeric works as a powerful natural painkiller to ease chronic pain, muscle aches, back pain, toothaches, and arthritis pain. Turmeric can be used to flavor many of your dishes or can be added to tea, smoothie, or juice recipes.

    3. Coconut Oil  Coconut oil has some natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a good choice to get your immune system on track while reducing pain. Many people use it internally and externally for back and joint pain.

    4. Chilly Pepper If you like spicy food, then I have some good news for you. Capsaicin, the main compound of many hot peppers, has pain-relieving properties. It interferes and weakens pain signals going to your brain. Capsaicin works wonders to treat joint pain, fibromyalgia, shingles, migraines, and headaches. If you can bear the taste add up to 3 teaspoons cayenne pepper to one glass of water and drink for instant relief.

    5. Garlic – In the ancient world, garlic played a starring role as painkiller. Chop up a clove of garlic and heat it in a tablespoon of olive oil or mustard oil. Apply it all over aching joints—you will feel tremendous relief from arthritic pain. It is quite popular as a home remedy for alleviating toothache—3 cloves of garlic + a pinch of salt. Crush them together and apply on the affected tooth for quick relief.

    6. Cloves – A proven ally in your battle against toothache. Toothpastes featuring clove are beneficial for oral health. You can simply dab a little clove oil sprinkled on a cotton swab on the aching tooth—it works like magic.

    7. Apple Cider Vinegar – Stir 1 tbsp. of cider vinegar into 1 cup of plain water. Sip slowly for relief from heartburn. Since the apple cider vinegar is alkaline-forming, it has an overall alkalizing effect on the body, which most people need due to our modern, acid-forming diets.

    8. Cherries – Cherries are an excellent and yummy way to ease arthritis, gout, or chronic headaches. Cherries’ high levels of anthocyanins are responsible for their anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect. These tiny compounds eliminate enzymes responsible for tissue inflammation and pain.

    9. Pineapple – The bromelain in pineapple is known to ease bloated tummy and heaviness. It also improves circulation, stopping cramps and inhibiting inflammation. It may help rid the body of inflammatory compounds that contribute to arthritis.

    10. Oats – They have been seen to play a role in easing menstrual cramps and bring relief from endometriosis. Oats are loaded with the anti-cramping mineral magnesium. They are also one of the best sources of dietary zinc for women who suffer from painful periods.





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  • 7 Tips to stop Vomiting

    1. Ginger
    Ginger is a great remedy for nausea and vomiting. Eat ginger in any form – fresh, extract or crystals to get relief from nausea. Make yourself a cup of ginger tea, bite into ginger sticks or eat a ginger cookie for relief.

    2. Chamomile
    Chamomile has anti-spasmodic properties. This makes a cup of chamomile tea a soothing treatment for a stomach upset that includes abdominal cramping, bloating, and gas. It has a mild pleasant taste with a hint of “apple” flavor.

    3. Mint
    There are all different kinds of mint tea available. The most common are peppermint, spearmint, and wintergreen. They all contain menthol, a volatile oil. Menthol is the component that gives mint that “cooling” sensation. Mint tea is anti-spasmodic, so will aid in relieving gas, cramping and bloating. Additionally, menthol has muscle relaxant properties that can help reduce vomiting.

    4. Drink Plenty Of Water
    Severe bouts of vomiting can be dangerous for the body. Loss of water from the body can lead to intense dehydration and resultant symptoms. In order to prevent the body from getting dehydrated, drink plenty of water so that your fluid balance will remain intact.

    5. Cloves
    Cloves are used for treating symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and vomiting. Take a teaspoon of cloves and boil along with one cup of water. Allow it to simmer for ten minutes. Strain the water and drink whenever you feel like vomiting. The aroma and flavour of cloves too can create immediate relief from vomiting.

    6. Onion
    Onion juice can be used for treating vomiting. Extract a teaspoon of onion juice and drink it as soon as you start feeling like vomiting. Onion juice can be mixed with ginger juice to make it more strong as both these ingredients will exert their individual potency on your body and emerge winners.

    7. Drink Lemon Juice
    Lemon juice is fortified with all the right vitamins and minerals that can halt vomiting with a single dose. Vitamin C, proteins, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B and other nutrients are great ways by which you can revive the energy that is lost after a fit of vomiting.


    Home Remedies For Vomiting Sensation And Giddiness | Tips For Treating Vomiting


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  • 10 Benefits of Coffee

    1. Coffee is a potent source of healthful antioxidants.
    In fact, coffee shows more antioxidant activity than green tea and cocoa, two antioxidant superstars. Scientists have identified approximately 1,000 antioxidants in unprocessed coffee beans, and hundreds more develop during the roasting process. Numerous studies have cited coffee as a major–and in some cases, the primary–dietary source of antioxidants for its subjects.

    2. Coffee curbs depression.
    Multiple studies have linked coffee drinking to lower rates of depression in both men and women. In several studies, the data suggested an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and depression: in other words, heavy coffee drinkers seemed to have the lowest risk (up to 20 percent) of depression.

    3. Increase your fiber intake
    A cup of brewed coffee represents a contribution of up to 1.8 grams of fiber of the recommended intake of 20-38 grams.

    4. Protection against cirrhosis of the liver
    Of course you could just cut down on the alcohol intake. Another more recent study also showed coffee’s liver protecting benefits. link. Yet another study showed that both coffee and decaffeinated coffee lowered the liver enzyme levels of coffee drinkers.

    5. Caffeine provides a short-term memory boost.
    When a group of volunteers received a dose of 100 milligrams (mg) of caffeine, about as much contained in a single cup of coffee, Austrian researchers found a surge in the volunteers’ brain activity, measured by functional magnetic resonance imagery (fMRI), as they performed a memory task. The researchers noted that the memory skills and reaction times of the caffeinated volunteers were also improved when compared to the control group who received a placebo and showed no increase in brain activity.

    6. Coffee drinkers have less risk of heart disease
    Korean researchers found that study participants who consumed 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were less likely to show the beginning signs of heart disease. The study. Other dietary factors should also be noted as Koreans typically have a different diet than do Westerners.

    7. Coffee drinkers have stronger DNA
    A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition showed that coffee drinkers have DNA with stronger integrity since the white blood cells of coffee drinkers had far less instance of spontaneous DNA strand breakage. Study abstract.

    8. Coffee may help curb certain cancers.
    Men who drink coffee may be at a lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer. In addition, new research from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that drinking four or more cups of coffee daily decreased the risk of endometrial cancer in women by 25 percent as compared to women who drank less than one cup a day. Researchers have also found ties between regular coffee drinking and lower rates of liver, colon, breast, and rectal cancers.

    9. Coffee may lessen your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
    A growing body of research suggests an association between coffee drinking and a reduced risk of diabetes. A 2009 study found that the risk of developing diabetes dropped by 7 percent for each daily cup of coffee. Previous epidemiological studies reported that heavy coffee drinkers (those who regularly drink four or more cups daily) had a 50 percent lower risk of developing diabetes than light drinkers or nondrinkers.

    10. Coffee can enhance exercise performance.
    We’ve been conditioned to believe that caffeine is dehydrating, one of the primary reasons why fitness experts recommend nixing coffee pre- and post-workout. However, recent research suggests that moderate caffeine consumption–up to about 500 mg, or about 5 cups per day–doesn’t dehydrate exercisers enough to interfere with their workout.


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  • 20 Best Ways to Prevent Acne(pimples)

    Acne(pimples) are small papules, pustules, skin lesions or skin inflammations and are also known as zits or spots. They are usually found on the face, back, chest and shoulders.

    The cause of Acne(pimples) can be:

    a) Excess sebum secretion
    b) Bacterial infections due to poor hygiene
    c) Clogging of pores due to trapped oil, dirt, dust and pollution
    d) Clogging of pores due to cosmetics and makeup products
    e) Accumulation of dead skin cells and grime buildup
    f) Unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits
    g) Consumption of junk food
    h) Not drinking enough water
    i)Heredity or genes
    Age: Teenagers are more prone to hormonal changes and a cause of acne

    1. Good Lifestyle:
    Following a good hygiene routine that includes washing the face regularly to get rid of makeup, dirt, dust and grime is very important to keep pimples at bay. Cleaning the skin helps remove dead skin cells and also frees the skin from contaminants that may aggravate the growth of pimples. Do not forget to apply a toner after cleansing. Avoid popping the pimples and avoid cleansers that destroy skin balance. Check product ingredient labels for salicylic acid, neem, tea tree oil, honey or turmeric as each of these natural ingredients fight pimples.

    2. Change Your Pillow Case Weekly
    Forget the $50 bottle of acne cream you’ve been purchasing every month, changing your pillow case is a proven method for preventing breakouts. All of the sweat, dirt and makeup from your face is seeping into your pillow every night. Particularly if you don’t wash your face before heading to bed, basically you are sleeping in all of the dirt, oil, and debris that collected on your face all day.

    3. Do Not Skip Moisturizing:
    Contrary to popular belief, acne-prone skin needs moisturizing and hydration. Not providing the skin with enough moisture, will encourage sebaceous glands to produce more sebum or oil to compensate for moisture and leading to increased chances of acne. Consider choosing a moisturizer, which is oil-free, lightweight, water-based or gel-based and non-comedogenic will hydrate the skin without making it look oily or greasy. A basic beauty regime of cleansing, toning and moisturizing must be followed religiously.

    4. Review Your Shampoo
    Have you noticed that you’ve been breaking out a lot more than usual lately? You might want to check your shampoo. Shampoos and conditioners with a lot fragrance and chemicals can irritate skin and cause breakouts on your forehead, jaw, neck and back.

    5. Stop Touching Your Face
    You might notice that people who touch their face often are prone to breakouts. This is because the oils and dirt on your hands are constantly transferred to your sweet visage. This might seem like common sense but keeping your hands away from your face is harder than you think.

    6. Check Your Laundry Detergent
    Much like shampoos, laundry detergents can be a huge culprit when it comes to breakouts. If you’re experiencing more breakouts than normal it could very well have to do with the ingredients in your detergent. Many soaps contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that can irritate skin (especially when you use towels to dry your face).

    7. Go Easy on the Makeup
    This may be hard for some girls (especially those in high school) but lightening up on the makeup will almost certainly help control your breakouts. Not only are the ingredients in most makeup products bad for your skin but applying makeup means touching your face, which can lead to a breakout.

    8. Stay Out of the Sun
    A little bit of sun has been known to reduce breakouts but too much can cause damage to your skin and prompt a breakout. If you’re planning a weekend at the beach, be sure to load up on sunscreen and moisturizer–these will help keep your skin hydrated and protected from the sun which will equal less breakouts this summer.

    9. Exercise:
    With the hectic lifestyle nowadays, stress levels are high, just 30 minutes of daily exercise is excellent for the health as well as the skin. As daily exercise keeps hormone levels in balance and also releases toxins through sweat, it reduces the chances of pimples. Moreover, the importance of sleep should not be ignored. Take ample rest and ensure you do not over stress yourself.

    10. Reduce Stress
    Staying calm and happy has actually been proven to help control breakouts. Acne often appears when someone becomes stressed out or worried about something (perhaps you’re worried about breaking out) and tends to spread faster in these circumstances as well. The best thing to do is to keep calm and try not to sweat the small stuff. In doing so, you’ll feel and look better.

    11. Quit Smoking and Drinking
    Hopefully, this will be an easy one for most of you out there (because hopefully you don’t do either of these things to begin with) but if you do smoke or drink you should seriously consider quitting. Smoking and drinking dehydrate the skin, making it much more prone to breaking out.

    12. Keep your face clean
    Cleansing shall be one of the most important steps of your skin care routine. Even if you are not having an acne problem washing the face twice a day helps in removing dirt, oil and dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. Less oil and dirt also means less acne. While washing your face never apply soap and always use a mild face cleanser. Also wash the face only with warm or cold water as using hot water can cause pimples.

    13. Use dermatological products or treatments
    If all else fails then this can be your backup plan. There is a huge variety of anti-acne products- face washes, creams, face packs etc., available in the market these days. Search a little, find a product that will best suit your skin type and give it a try. If still your pimples are unlikely to go away then don’t hesitate from going to a dermatologist.

    14. Watch your hair often
    To avoid having pimples it is not just necessary to keep your face oil free but your hair shall also not be oily. Leaving overnight oil on your hair can cause pimples as the hair touching your face will make your skin oily. Wash your hair regularly and don’t let them fall on your face. Also go easy on products like hair gels, fragrances and deodorants as they can clog up the skin pores leading to pimples.

    15. Apply ice
    Ice soothes the skin, particularly the affected area which can help your skin to become pimple-free. Applying ice on the skin will remove the oil and dirt trapped inside and reduces the redness and swelling. To get rid of an eruption, put an ice cube in a cloth and gently press it against the affected skin. Or one can also make it a routine to apply crushed ice or ice cubes to the skin in order to avoid pimples.

    16. Apply honey
    Honey masks are quite a common acne treatment. Applying honey on the face works both as a preventive method and as a treatment for pimples. It is a natural antiseptic that soothes and heals the skin. The antioxidants present in honey can help in reducing the inflammation over the skin and making it pimple free. Apply some honey on your face for 15-30 minutes and then wash it off. Not only will it work against your acne problem but it also makes the skin smooth and supple.

    17. Use lemons
    Like honey, lemons are also believed to be a quite effective natural treatment for getting rid of pimples. Lemons can help avoiding pimples in more than one way. Lemon juice reduces the oil, kills bacteria, reduces redness and also removes the pimple scars. To use it over your pimples squeeze some fresh lime juice over a cotton swab or a cotton ball and apply it over your face. It can give quick results.

    18. Use baking soda
    Another wonder product which you already have in your kitchen and it can help you fight against pimples is baking soda. A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice can be applied on the skin to make it pimple free. Baking soda is an amphoteric compound which means it can work both as an acid and as a base. It helps in neutralizing the skin’s pH, imbalance in which is often a cause behind acne. It also dries the skin removing any extra oil and mixing some baking soda with water works wonderfully in cleansing and exfoliating our skin.

    19. Apply toothpaste
    While treating pimples you don’t always need to go and buy some specialized cosmetic product but your humble toothpaste can also be of a lot of use. Now while using toothpaste as a pimple treatment always choose a white toothpaste and not the gel or red, blue or green stripes ones. Also don’t use the teeth whitening toothpaste to apply over the skin. Wash your face with warm water and a cleanser and pat dry. Now take a pea size amount of toothpaste and apply it only over the affected area. Keep it for a couple of hours or overnight and then wash it. Your pimples must be either gone or much less visible.

    20. Use Aloe Vera
    Aloe Vera is a cactus like plant with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, astringent and a lot more useful medicinal properties. It can be used in a lot of ways- as a moisturizer, a face mask, shaving oil or it can also be included in your diet. Aloe Vera can work wonders for treating and preventing acne as it removes excess oil and dirt from the skin. It stimulates the cell growth, and helps the damaged skin for healing faster.


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  • 11 tips to Lower Cholesterol

    Some foods punch well above their weight in helping to reduce cholesterol levels – we call them the “Cholesterol busters”. Choosing a healthy diet, low in saturated fat is important in helping to keep your cholesterol low but you can reduce your cholesterol levels further by including these super six foods in your every day diet .

    Tips to Lower Cholesterol
    1. Oats

    Super Food Oats BarleyBoth oats and barley are rich in a form of soluble fibre called beta glucan. Once eaten beta glucan forms a gel which helps bind cholesterol in the intestines and prevent it from being absorbed. It is recommended that we eat about 3g of beta glucan per day. Foods which contain 1g or more of beta glucan can carry a cholesterol lowering claim.

    2. Red wine
    Scientists are giving us yet another reason to drink to our health. It turns out that high-fiber Tempranillo red grapes, used to make red wine like Rioja, may actually have a significant effect on cholesterol levels. A study conducted by the department of metabolism and nutrition at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain found that when individuals consumed the same grape supplement found in red wine, their LDL levels decreased by 9%. In addition, those who had high cholesterol going into the study saw a 12% drop in LDL.

    3. Salmon & fatty fish
    Omega-3 fats are one of the natural health wonders of the world and have been shown to ward off heart disease, dementia, and many other diseases. Now these fatty acids can add yet another health benefit to their repertoire: lowering cholesterol. According to research from Loma Linda University, replacing saturated fats with omega-3s like those found in salmon, sardines, and herring can raise good cholesterol as much as 4%.

    4. Soya Foods
    Soya Foods and DrinksBeing naturally low in saturated fat, soya foods help lower cholesterol. The special proteins in soya also appear to influence how the body regulates cholesterol too.

    5. Nuts
    All nuts are rich in vegetable protein, fibre, heart healthy unsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, natural plant sterols and a host of beneficial plant nutrients.

    6. Fruits and vegetables
    Super Foods Fruit & VegtablesAll fruits and vegetables are low in saturated fat so eating more helps to keep saturated fat intake low. Fruit and vegetables are also a valuable source of cholesterol lowering soluble fibres. Try to include at least one pulse (beans, peas, lentils) everyday. Other rich sources of soluble fibre include sweet potato, aubergine, okra (ladies finger), broccoli, apples, strawberry and prunes.

    7. Tea
    While tea has become well known for its cancer-fighting antioxidants, it is also a great defense against LDL cholesterol levels. According to research conducted with the USDA, black tea has been shown to reduce blood lipids by up to 10% in only 3 weeks. These findings were concluded in a larger study of how tea may also help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

    8. Beans
    Beans, beans—they really are good for your heart. Researchers at Arizona State University Polytechnic found that adding ½ cup of beans to soup lowers total cholesterol, including LDL, by up to 8%. The key to this heart-healthy food is its abundance of fiber, which has been shown to slow the rate and amount of absorption of cholesterol in certain foods. Try black, kidney, or pinto beans; each supplies about one-third of your daily fiber needs.

    9. Chocolate
    Ah, the sweet side of a heart-healthy diet: This powerful antioxidant helps build HDL cholesterol levels. In a 2007 study published in AJCN, participants who were given cocoa powder had a 24% increase in HDL levels over 12 weeks, compared with a 5% increase in the control group. Remember to choose the dark or bittersweet kind (you can find it in these melt-in-your-mouth Organic Cacao Wafers). Compared to milk chocolate, it has more than 3 times as many antioxidants, which prevent blood platelets from sticking together and may even keep arteries unclogged.

    10. Garlic
    Aside from adding zing to almost any dish, garlic has been found to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure, and protect against infections. Now research finds that it helps stop artery-clogging plaque at its earliest stage by keeping cholesterol particles from sticking to artery walls. Try for two to four fresh cloves a day.

    11. Spinach
    This popular green contains lots of lutein, the sunshine-yellow pigment found in dark green leafy vegetables and egg yolks. Lutein already has a “golden” reputation for guarding against age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. Now research suggests that just ½ cup of a lutein-rich food daily also guards against heart attacks by helping artery walls “shrug off” cholesterol invaders that cause clogging. Look for bags of baby spinach leaves that you can use for salads or pop in the microwave for a quick side dish.


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  • 14 Benefit of Folate(Folic Acid)

     Folate or folic acid, commonly known as vitamin B-12, plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including cell repair and maintenance, DNA synthesis, amino acid metabolism, and the formation of leukocytes and erythrocytes. It prevents obesity and various cancers, including colon cancer, as well as preventing heart disease.

    Health benefits of folate:

    1. Supports Normal Fetal Development
    Folate plays an integral role in fetal development and the benefits for pregnant women and their offspring cannot be understated. Folate deficiency during early pregnancy can lead to neural tube defects. This is a serious problem that can lead to pregnancy termination or a baby born with spina bifida.

    2. Encourages Normal Cholesterol Levels
    A Polish study found folic acid supplementation encourages normal cholesterol levels. In the study of 124 individuals, researchers observed significant reductions in LDL cholesterol levels in subjects who’d supplemented with .4 mg of folic acid daily for 12 weeks. The result is believed to have been derived from reduced homocysteine levels.

    3. Provides Neurological Support
    Research suggests there may be a link between folate levels and neural health. A Korean study of elderly patients found that those suffering from dementia had the highest levels of homocysteine, and the lowest folate levels. Patients in the control group who did not suffer from dementia had higher folate levels.

    4. Fetal development
    Erythrocyte production – the adequate and appropriate development of an unborn child’s brain and spinal cord – is dependent on foods rich in folate. A lack of folate during pregnancy can lead to gaps in the development of the spinal cord, which can result in paralysis, brain damage, or a stillborn child.

    5. Production of red blood cells
    Folate is key in the development of red blood cells or erythrocytes. A lack of this compound can make the body susceptible to cancer. In addition, the body’s defense mechanism, the white blood cells, are also manufactured in the presence of folate supplements.

    6. Thwarting heart disease
    Folic acid supplements also help the heart stay healthy and function optimally. Folate deficiency can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, coronary complications, and strokes in patients. In the U.S., after bread and cereal companies were asked to add vitamin B12 to their products, the rate of heart disease and stroke decreased by about 15 percent. Folic acid also helps remove homocysteine, a toxic compound that can lead to severe artery damage if not eliminated from the blood.

    7. Helps keep brain young
    Adequate folate levels are necessary for proper brain functioning. Studies have shown that folate benefits the brain by slowing down the effects of aging.

    8. Depression:
    Folic acid is used to cure depression and enhance mood regulation. An adequate folate level is necessary for proper brain functioning.

    9. Digestion:
    Folic acid works with vitamin B12 and vitamin C to help the body utilize and digest proteins.

    10. Healthy Glow:
    The proper intake of folic acid can give one’s skin a natural, healthy, and moisturized glow.

    11. Heart Disease:
    Folic acid, along with vitamin B12, helps the heart in many ways. They help reduce blood clotting; blood clots lead to cardiovascular disease. Hence, it helps reduce the chances of heart attacks.

    12. Cancer:
    Folic acid can prevent the cancer cells from multiplying. You can be protected from colon cancer by consuming folic acid supplements. It can also help prevent cervical cancer and pancreatic cancer.

    13. Diabetes:
    Folic acid can reduce the fat content in the blood. This may help in handling obesity and thus, prevent type 2 diabetes.

    14. Gum Infection:
    Folic acid can be directly applied to the gum to cure gum infections.


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  • 9 Home remedies for Ringworm

    Ringworm is a common and contagious skin infection most commonly caused by the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. The fungus thrives in warm, moist areas and can infect several areas of the skin from the scalp to the feet (where it’s known as athlete’s foot) to the groin (better known as “jock itch”) and everything in between. Ringworm infections generally result in red, itchy, scaly round patches on the skin, which are not only unsightly but can cause great discomfort.

    Home remedies of ringworm

    1. Garlic
    Garlic is a bit of a wonder food. When ingested, garlic is known as a natural remedy for a host of health concerns. Garlic has been known to lessen the severity and duration of the common cold, naturally reduce blood pressure, and lower bad cholesterol among many other benefits. But garlic can also be used topically as a natural treatment for ringworm, which makes it the first in our list of home remedies for ringworm. It’s the naturally occurring chemical compounds allicin and ajoene that are found in garlic whose antibacterial and anti-fungal properties make it a powerhouse against skin infections like ringworm. In fact, one study found a topical ajoene cream more effective in treating athlete’s foot than a leading over-the-counter medicated cream.

    2. Apple Cider Vinegar
    Like garlic, apple cider vinegar (now increasingly referred to as ACV and a home remedy powerhouse) is known to have numerous health benefits. It has become a staple in most natural remedy medicine cabinets. We always keep a bottle of organic, raw apple cider vinegar with the mother on hand. Most of the health benefits of ACV are attributed to the acetic acid in the vinegar, which is known to effectively treat a range of skin concerns including ringworm due to its anti-fungal properties.

    3. Tea Tree Oil
    As it has been employed for decades by the Australians, this oil is a favorite ingredient for several cosmetics including shampoos and hair oils. In addition, it has a lengthy history of helping to treat cuts, burns, and infections.

    4. Coconut Oil
    The application of coconut oil for grey hair and treatment of other hair and scalp problems is well known. The healing properties found in coconut oil are extremely effective in treating ringworm infections. This is a simple ingredient which can be found in your home. The oil provides great relief from itchy skin while making the area smooth and soft. Coconut oil is also greatly used in treating scalp ring worms. You need to apply the oil on the affected area overnight. By doing this you will eliminate build-up and residue of the infection.

    5. Mustard Seeds
    Mustard seeds are tiny in size but they are great agents to cure ring worm. Soak the mustard seeds in water for 30 minutes and grind them to make a thick paste. The paste needs to be applied on the infected skin to provide relief from itching and irritation.

    6. Turmeric
    This simple spice we use in our daily life actually has some great natural antibiotic qualities. Turmeric, popularly known as the holy powder has several potent benefits. This remedy will help you get rid of all kinds of bacterial and fungal infections. Use fresh turmeric juice to apply on the affected areas with the help of a cotton ball. You need to apply it 3 times every day until your infection disappears.

    7. Aloe Vera
    The use of aloe vera hair mask for natural hair conditioning is extremely popular in beauty circles. However, it is a great remedy to get rid of skin infections as well. Aloe Vera is an all-natural remedy for ringworm and numerous other skin problems. Remove the gel from aloe vera and apply it directly on the skin. Leave it on overnight and wash the affected area the next day. Apply it every day till you are cured of your illness. \

    8. Vinegar and Salt
    Form a paste of vinegar and salt and apply it directly onto the ringworm. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Those who have used this approach to handle ringworm say it tends to take about 7 days or so for the illness to dissipate.

    10. Olive Leaf
    Almost all the parts of the olive tree have potent health benefits. Olive oil is undoubtedly the best body massage oil, whereas olive leaf is a powerful remedy for ringworm. It has anti-fungal qualities and helps in boosting the body’s immune system. Consume this leaf 3 times per day until the problem subsides and you feel light from within.


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  • Home remedies for Stomach aches and Cramps

    Stomach aches, also broadly called “abdominal pain,” are tricky things to find remedies for unless you know the cause. Ranging from indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome to gastritis and GERD, an aching tummy can stem from many things. Assuming you are dealing with an uncomplicated stomach ache, these remedies can help bring relief from the pain and discomfort that’s making you miserable.

    Here are some Prevention

    1. Enjoy a Cup of Chamomile Tea
    Chamomile can help ease the pain of a stomach ache by working as an anti-inflammatory (for example the lining of the stomach can become inflamed as a result common gastritis, caused by bacteria) and by relaxing the smooth muscle of the upper digestive track. When it relaxes that muscle, the contractions that are pushing food through your system ease up a bit and lessen the pain of cramping and spasms.

    2. Use a “Hot” Pack
    Nothing is more soothing than a heating pad or hot water bottle when you’re feeling sick, so cuddle up to your electric blanket and take it easy until your symptoms pass. The warmth on your stomach will distract you from any cramping or pain, and the heat can help to relax your muscles and reduce your nausea. Don’t leave it on too long, however, as you can damage your skin from overuse.

    3. Rice Water
    Rice water is exactly what it sounds like-the water left-over after you cook rice. It acts a demulcent, meaning a substance that relieves inflammation by forming a sort of soothing barrier over a membrane, in this case, the lining of your stomach.

    4. Enjoy Some Mint
    Fresh peppermint tea (or just peppermint tea in general) can help relax stomach muscles. It also helps improve the flow of bile, which helps you digest properly. This is especially useful if suffering from indigestion or gas/bloating.

    5. Warm Lemon Water
    Lemon water, if your issue is indigestion, helps a stomachache. The high acidity level stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which breaks down our food. By upping the amount of HCL being produced, you help move digestion along at healthy pace. You get the added bonus of the hydration too, which keeps the system flushed and running smoothly.

    6. Ginger
    Since ancient times, people have turned to ginger as a cure-all for pain to nausea and everything in between. It’s not just an old wives’ tale, either — studies have shown that ginger can be a very effective treatment for some kinds of stomach upset.
    A natural anti-inflammatory, ginger is available in dozens of forms, all of which can help. Ginger chews and supplements are easy to take, while other people prefer their ginger in beverage form. Try an all-natural ginger ale or chop up some fresh ginger root and make a tea.

    7. Chew Fennel Seeds
    Let’s say your stomach ache is being caused by indigestion. In this case, chewing fennel seeds will help as they contain anethole, a volatile oil that can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices to help move things along. It can also help tame inflammation, and reduce the pain caused by it. If you are suffering from gastritis, inflammation of the stomach, this may provide some relief from the discomfort.

    8. Bitters & Soda
    A bar is probably the last place you’d look for relief from nausea, but many people swear by five or six drops of cocktail bitters mixed into a cold glass of tonic, club soda, or ginger ale.
    Most common bitters brands, such as Peychaud’s and Angostura, contain a blend of herbs like cinnamon, fennel, mint, ginger, and others. This may be why bitters help ease nausea in some people.

    9. When to See a Doctor
    Stomach problems sometimes do point to a more serious problem, so go see a doctor immediately if you are having trouble keeping water down, or if your symptoms persist for prolonged periods.


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  • 11 Tips for Indigestion Problem

    1. Eat and Drink Slowly
    Most of us eat on the go these days as daily commitments leave little time for a long meal. Another problem is being distracted while eating a meal, like watching TV while eating. As a result we tend to take too large bites, swallow before chewing thoroughly and drink too fast while taking in a lot of air. It this eating and drinking behavior that plays a major role in indigestion. Instead take small bites and chew slowly. Ensure that your food is thoroughly chewed before you swallow. The same applies to drinking beverages. Take small sips rather than large gulps.

    2. Have More Smaller Meals
    It is not just eating and drinking too fast but also the quantity that we eat per meal which can be a problem. The convenience of modern life coupled with a fast food culture where bigger is better means that meals are often larger than what we should be eating. Furthermore the time constraints in life means we would rather stock up extra during traditional meal times. But there is no need to starve yourself. Rather eat smaller meals several times in a day than the three large meals – 3 medium-sized meals and 2 small snacks.

    3. Avoid Trigger Foods and Drinks
    Some foods and drinks are more likely to trigger indigestion. Typically spicy foods, heavily processed foods and fatty foods are more of a problem. Caffeinated beverages and alcoholic drinks are other known triggers of indigestion. It is not always necessary to avoid these foods and drinks altogether. Consuming it in moderation and occasionally may not pose as much a problem. However, if even small amounts tend to trigger indigestion then you should avoid it completely.

    4. Exercise regularly & avoid stress
    In addition to helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise can also help with digestion. A scientific study published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal has shown that physical activity can actually help reduce many digestive problems. In this study, scientists found a link between obesity, lack of exercise, stomach pain, diarrhea, and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

    5. Sit Up Straight Or Take A Stroll
    Lying down or sleeping after a meal, especially a large meal, is often a problem when it comes to indigestion. Rather sit up straight or move around to help with digestion. Make a habit of walking around after eating and even if you cannot get a little exercise in this way, stand up and do the dishes or other chores. But do not exercise vigorously after a meal. This can actually cause indigestion. Try to avoid heavy meals as it can make you feel sleepy. Similarly you should not eat too late in the night or you may be forced to go to bed without waiting for your food to digest.

    6. Stay Calm And Talk Less
    Getting agitated when eating or talking excessively during meal time can also be a problem. You may end up eating faster than you normally would and swallowing air that can lead to indigestion. Rather sit down to a quiet meal. Listen more than you talk and avoid topics that may end up stressing you out. Try relaxing even after a meal. You do not have to sit still but avoid partaking in any activity that may stress you out. Try some deep breathing and meditation even when you have indigestion.

    7. Loosen Your Belt Or Clothing
    It seems quite natural to undo some of your clothing when you are suffering with indigestion. Tight clothing or a tight belt increases the pressure on your abdomen. You may be able to manage with the pressure during the course of the day but after a meal in can contribute to acid reflux and indigestion. Although it is not considered appropriate to do it in public, loosening some of your clothing can be helpful. It can be a matter of undoing a few buttons of your shirt or a notch or two off your belt.

    8. Take OTC Indigestion Medication
    Simple OTC remedies for indigestion may help you belch to release some of the trapped air in the stomach, neutralize your stomach acid or form a foam on top of your stomach contents in order to prevent the acid from irritating your foodpipe. These OTC medication can be purchased from most convenience stores and supermarkets and are very effective for the occasional episode of indigestion. However, if you are experiencing severe or recurrent indigestion then your doctor may prescribe medication to suppress your stomach acid or speed up emptying of the stomach.

    9. Don’t overuse antacids
    Acids in the stomach help the body digest food — however, in some cases, these acids can “reflux” or back up into the esophagus, thus causing the burning sensation of indigestion.
    When this happens, men often reach for antacids — usually an over-the-counter type that works by neutralizing stomach acids. However, when overused, antacids can cause the stomach to lose its function and leaves it vulnerable to bacterial infections.

    10. Take digestive enzyme supplements
    Digestive enzymes derived from plant sources can help promote good digestion and even enhance nutrient absorption. In cases where men are lacking adequate amounts of digestive enzymes due to poor diet and health, taking enzyme supplements can reduce the symptoms of indigestion and upset stomach. Even in healthy men, taking extra enzymes can help maintain digestive health.

    11. Enjoy eating again
    Digestive enzymes aren’t silver bullets and indigestion can certainly be a symptom of a much more serious digestive disease, such as Crohn’s disease, acid reflux or GERD, and irritable bowel syndrome.


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