• 5 Simple Tips for Healthy Living

    1. Eat a Balanced Diet
    Aim to eat a balanced diet that contains each of the food groups in the correct proportions.

    2. Drink More Water
    Water is an essential part of your diet. Drink plenty of water and avoid empty calories from things such as fizzy drinks, energy drinks or juices with added sugar. Eat your calories don’t drink them.

    3. Sunny side up
    Get outside in the sunshine for a natural boost. The sun’s rays on the skin help your body produce vitamin D, which has been shown to fight heart disease, depression, osteoporosis and even some types of cancer.

    4. Laughter is the best medicine
    Become a glass-half-full person! Studies have found that those with a positive attitude suffer less from conditions such as heart disease. Find something to laugh at every day to give your feel-good hormones a boost.

    5. Kick the sugar habit
    White sugar and high-fructose corn syrup have almost no nutritional value, and over-consuming them increases your risk of obesity, heart disease and even depression. Carry apples, carrots and nuts with you so you’re prepared when snack cravings strike.

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  • 5 Serious Health Risks of Consuming Added Sugar

    1. Sugar Can Give You Cancer
    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and is characterized by uncontrolled growth and multiplication of cells.

    2. Sugar is the true silent killer
    Move over salt and hypertension, you’ve got competition. Sugar, as it turns out, is just as much of a silent killer.

    3. It May Raise Blood Pressure
    Obesity is a major risk factor for high blood pressure. As has already been discussed, high sugar consumption is a major factor in obesity. While that alone connects excessive fructose consumption with high blood pressure, there’s new research that indicates that fructose can raise blood pressure independent from weight gain.

    4. Consuming Sugar Increases Risk of Diabetes
    Emerging evidence from recent studies clearly draws a connection between sugar intake and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome involves insulin resistance to glucose, which in turn is what leads to type 2 diabetes. Insulin is what prompts cells to absorb blood glucose for energy or to be stored as fat.

    5. Sugar causes tooth decay.
    With all the other life-threatening effects of sugar, we sometimes forget the most basic damage it does. When it sits on your teeth, it creates decay more efficiently than any other food substance8. For a strong visual reminder, next time the Tooth Fairy visits, try the old tooth-in-a-glass-of-Coke experiment—the results will surely convince you that sugar isn’t good for your pearly whites.

    10 Reasons Why Sugar is Bad for Your Health


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  • 9 Simple Ways to Treat Eczema

    1. Avoid Detergents
    Detergent is one of the most common household irritants of Adult Eczema. Instead, opt for hypoallergenic detergent and detergent-free skincare products to help prevent “flare-ups” or any other reaction.

    2. Avoid Irritants
    Limit contact with soaps, perfumes, and other body care products with large amounts of chemical ingredients. Jewelry can sometimes cause outbreaks as well.

    3. Ask your doctor about antibiotics
    Because eczema causes itching, you are in risk of a bacterial skin infection if you scratch and damage the itchy skin. Your doctor may recommend you take antibiotics to treat the infection.[6]

    4. Avoid clothing made of irritating materials
    Some materials may irritate your skin and worsen or trigger your eczema. Keep track of your symptoms and if you recognize a material that triggers your eczema, stop using it.[13]

    5. Protect your hands
    Wear gloves whenever you do dishes or housework, because soap and water, cleaning products, and even dust can irritate your skin, advises Dr. Kleinsmith. “However, rubber gloves tend to get hot and make your hands sweaty, so wear cotton glove liners inside the rubber gloves to absorb perspiration,” she says.

    6. Follow skin care basics in the shower or bath.
    Hot showers or baths are a common cause of eczema flare-ups. “Switch to room-temperature water and save the hot water for a treat once in a while,” says Cambio. Avoid scrubbing your skin, and use a gentle cleanser instead of soap on the areas that need it. When you’re done, pat dry and apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp.

    7. Protect your hands.
    Your hands are often exposed to water and other substances that can irritate them. Protect them by wearing rubber gloves whenever you wash dishes or place your hands in water. Wearing light cotton gloves under the plastic gloves can help absorb sweat and cause less irritation. Cotton gloves can also protect your hands when you’re doing other types of housework. When outside in cold weather, choose leather or cotton gloves to protect your hands from the cold air. Wool gloves may cause irritation.

    8. Use eczema medication when needed.
    If lifestyle changes alone don’t help your eczema, talk with your doctor about using medication to help ease your eczema symptoms. Your doctor may suggest an over-the-counter cream or oral antihistamine, or suggest a prescription medication. If your doctor has already prescribed a medication, use it as directed.

    9. Reduce Stress
    Stress is one of the main triggers behind eczema, especially in adults. By taking the time to exercise (release those endorphins!), meditate, or even engage in stress management courses, while eating a healthy,balanced diet and sleeping well, you can reduce stress and prevent further outbreaks.


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  • Polio Cause, Symptoms and Prevention

    What Is Polio?
    This disease is known as polio. Polio is a contagious, virally induced disease that can cause paralysis and death. The more technical name for polio is poliomyelitis.

    The reason it is called poliomyelitis is because the prefix polio means ‘grey’ in ancient Greek, myelo refers to the spinal cord, and itis refers to the inflammation of something. Therefore, when we combine all of these terms together we get the inflammation of the spinal cord’s grey matter, or poliomyelitis.

    This disease typically affects children under five years of age and, in 1 of 200 infections, it will lead a person to develop irreversible paralysis. In 5%-10% of these cases, this irreversible paralysis may actually affect muscles involved in respiration, or breathing, leading to an individual’s death when they can no longer breathe.

    Paralytic polio also may be classified as:
    1. Spinal polio
    Attacks motor neurons in the spinal cord and causes paralysis in arms and legs and breathing problems

    2. Bulbar polio
    Affects neurons responsible for sight, vision, taste, swallowing, and breathing

    3. Bulbospinal polio
    Many people with nonparalytic polio are able to make a full recovery, while those with paralytic polio generally end up with permanent paralysis.

    Polio is caused by infection with the poliovirus. This virus is highly contagious, and is passed on through food and water contaminated with the stool (feces) of infected people. It can take 4 to 21 days before symptoms appear and an infected person can pass the virus on to other people even before symptoms appear.

    Infection with polio happens when the virus enters the body through the mouth, multiplies in the throat and intestine, and spreads through the blood to the central nervous system. There, the virus attacks nerve cells, which can lead to paralysis.

    Recognizing the Symptoms of Polio
    Sub-clinical polio may not trigger noticeable symptoms. In fact it is estimated that 95 to 99 percent of infected patients are asymptomatic. In the five percent of polio cases in which patients do experience symptoms, they can range from mild to severe. Paralytic polio (polio that leads to paralysis) has more severe symptoms and can be fatal. Patients with non-paralytic polio experience mild, flu-like symptoms.

    Sub-Clinical Polio
    If patients do have symptoms, they usually last for 72 hours or less and may include:
    1. Headache
    2. Sore, red throat
    3. Slight fever
    4. Vomiting
    5. General discomfort

    Non-Paralytic Polio
    The symptoms of non paralytic polio may last for a couple of days to a week or two and includes
    1. Fever
    2. Sore throat in the absence of upper respiratory infection
    3. Headache
    4. Vomiting
    5. Fatigue
    6. Abnormal reflexes
    7. Problems swallowing and/or breathing
    8. Back and neck pain and stiffness, particularly neck stiffness with forward flexion of the neck,
    9. Arm and leg pain or stiffness
    10. Muscle tenderness and spasms

    Paralytic Polio
    People with paralytic polio experience the symptoms associated with non-paralytic polio first. Soon after, the following symptoms appear:
    1. loss of reflexes
    2. severe spasms and muscle pain
    3. loose and floppy limbs, sometimes on just one side of the body, this is due to the weakness which results from the         involvement of the spine
    4. sudden paralysis (temporary or permanent)
    5. deformed limbs (especially the hips, ankles, and feet due to prolonged weakenss and the lack of appropriate                  orthopedic bracing
    Although improved public sanitation and careful personal hygiene may help reduce the spread of polio, the most effective way to prevent the disease is with polio vaccine.

    Polio vaccine

    Currently, most children in the United States receive four doses of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) at the following ages:

    1. Two months
    2. Four months
    3. Between 6 and 18 months
    4. Between ages 4 and 6 when children are just entering school


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  • 10 Home Remedies for Swollen Lymph Nodes

    The lymph nodes are small, round, (or bean-shaped) masses of tissue that belong to the lymphatic system, which plays a part in helping your body fight infection and disease. The neck is the most well known site of lymph nodes, but there are hundreds spread throughout your body. Over time, you may encounter swollen lymph nodes in the following locations:
    • Under the jaw
    • Behind the ears
    • Lower region in back of head
    • Armpits
    • Groin

    Home remedies

    1. Turmeric
    One of the oldest medicinal remedies known to mankind, turmeric is a super anti-inflammatory and analgesic spice that can work wonders. With its powerful antioxidants, turmeric makes a terrific anti-viral solution that can help the lymph nodes to remove bacteria and viruses, which will reduce swelling. Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder in one glass of warm milk and drink once each day.

    2. Honey
    Wow, talk about a sweet way to feel better fast! Honey has powerful antibacterial and anti-viral compounds that can offer some serious back-up for your immune system. You can simply swallow a tablespoon of raw, organic honey two or three times each day, or mix the honey in some lemon tea and drink two or three cups each day. You should get almost immediate relief from the pain and swelling of the lymph nodes, and other symptoms, such as a runny nose or sore throat, should disappear in three to five days.

    3. Cleavers
    This is a little known herb that stimulates almost every organ in the body, including the lymph system. Cleavers will also purify the blood and cleanse the body of toxins. This herb will help to relieve your swollen lymph nodes as well as rid the body of bacteria and viruses that are the underlying cause of most swollen lymph node problems. Drink cleaver tea twice each day until you get relief from your symptoms.

    4. Castor Oil.
    If the lymph nodes are caused by numbers 1-3 as stated above and are causing discomfort or pain, you might try rubbing castor oil on the swollen lymph nodes, then covering them with flannel, then a plastic bag, then a heating pad. I have heard of many people having great success with this method. You can also appliy the castor oil packs to the stomach area which, according to Edgar Cacey’s research in the 1950’s, also helps.

    5.Apple Cider Vinegar.
    Apple Cider Vinegar is another home remedy that has brought great relief to many people. Orally take 2 Tablespoons of vinegar, as is or diluted in water, according to your taste. And take it every four hours. Apple Cider Vinegar, while acidic, signals for your body to make ph buffers to counteract the acidity. This has an outstanding alkalizing effect on the body.

    6.Using Garlic
    Garlic is one among the antibacterial herb that can clean up the internal organs in a human body. The garlic is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing the swelling that happens in the lymph glands. Eat two garlic cloves every day to make your lymph glands stay away from any kind of swelling. You can also garlic in your daily food and it can help your lymph glands to stay away from the bacterias and the viruses.

    7. Lemon
    Lemon is useful fruit for healing mucus and sore throat. It is also easily found in every market and you totally can use this ingredient to get rid of swollen glands. Here is the instruction.

    8. Apple Cider Vinegar
    One of the simplest and cheapest home remedies for swollen lymph nodes in ear, neck, and other parts of the body is apple cider vinegar, which has anti-bacterial property that can soothe the problem very well. The method is:

    Sourced from mint leaves, the active ingredient in mint leaves is menthol. The ingredient is strongly antiviral and can reverse swelling within a quick time. The preferred mode of administration is in the form of a mint tea or alternatively can be consumed as a fresh juice extracted from mint leaves.

    10. Salt Water
    A salt water gargle can be beneficial for reducing the swelling and inflammation in lymph nodes in the neck caused by infection in the throat.


    10 Natural Home Remedies For Swollen Lymph Nodes (Love #5!)




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  • 11 Superfoods Fight Common cold

    1. Onions
    This versatile culinary plant can provide a real health boost to anyone and to reduce the odds of catching a cold of flu. Onions are one of the best natural sources of quercetin, a bioflavonoid that has shown promising potential for suppressing the rhinoviruses which are the underlying cause of the common cold. As an additional bonus, the onion tops the list of vegetables that are least likely to contain significant amounts of pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

    2. Ginger
    Ginger is known as the universal medicine in Ayurveda. Spicy and warming, ginger helps break down mucous to help clear your respiratory tract and alleviate symptoms of congestion. It also contains phytochemicals that help fight viruses that can cause respiratory illnesses. Ginger is available in capsule form, and you can take 250 to 500 mg up to three times per day; however, I prefer to use fresh ginger in teas and cooked with food. Learn how to make ginger tea with this simple recipe.

    3. Grapefruit
    Prevent and fight colds by including grapefruit in your diet. Like other citrus fruits, grapefruit is loaded with vitamin C. However, unlike oranges and many other citrus fruit, grapefruit is relatively low in sugar. Sugar is known to deteriorate the functioning of the immune system: when white blood cells, the defenders of the immune system, are exposed to high levels of sugar, their ability to fight bacteria decrease significantly, making the body more prone to all infections. In addition, sugar depletes the body of some very important cold-fighting vitamins, including vitamins C, E and B.

    4. Yogurt
    Research shows that one cup of yogurt a day may work to keep the gastrointestinal track healthier, which can help ward off colds, says Moloo. Even better, some new studies indicate that regular dairy consumption may help you maintain a healthy weight, or even shed a couple pounds. Make sure the label says your yogurt has live cultures, as the cultures are what have the positive effect on your GI track.

    5. Oranges
    It’s no surprise that oranges made our Superfoods list because of their high vitamin C content, a common cold-fighter. Just one orange a day provides your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. In fact, eating a whole orange is preferable to drinking a glass of orange juice, because it doesn’t have the added sugars and preservatives that processed juice often contains. An easy and inexpensive fruit to find during the winter, oranges are also rich in flavonoids that may have an antioxidant effect.

    6. Garlic
    Go heavy on the garlic this winter in your dinner recipes. This flavor-packed vegetable is also packed with allicin, an antibiotic that has been shown to prevent complications from a cold in some research. According to Moloo, some studies recommend as much as one clove a day. So if you don’t already own a garlic mincer, now is the time to get one. Add fresh minced garlic to some plain hummus for a quick snack, or rub it on a steak for a burst of flavor.

    7. Tea with honey
    Tea with honey in it packs an antibacterial and antiviral punch, thanks to the honey and antioxidant properties of the tea. Actually, this is two superfoods combined into one. All of that hot water leaks nutrients and phytonutrients out of tea and honey, so you’ll be able to drink up while hydrating yourself. Best to get raw honey instead of processed honey for the best effect.

    8. Pumpkin Seeds
    Pumpkin seeds have been receiving an increasing amount of attention in the health community. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc, a mineral that is to help fight off infection and boost the immune system. Eat them roasted in salads or other meals. You’d be surprised how well they go with many different dishes.

    9. (Chicken) Soup
    Soup in general is a great meal to eat to keep yourself healthy from colds. It’s also great to help soothe a cold if you’re already suffering from one. The water and broth capture all of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from everything in the soup. There’s a reason Grandma always recommended chicken soup; chicken releases an amino acid known to loosen mucus in your lungs and airways.

    10. Mushrooms
    Mushrooms support the immune system. They contain vitamin D, which supports immune function, and some may also help fight certain infections. Look for the more exotic kinds of mushrooms that contain these potent phytonutrients, including shitake, reishi, enoki, and maitake. Add them to your favorite dishes, such as a soup, salad, or stir-fry—or consume them in extract form.

    11. Sweet Potatoes
    Being rich in beta-carotene, sweet potatoes also play a key role in preventing common colds. When consumed, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining a strong immune system and a well-functioning body.

    10 Superfoods That Fight The Common Cold


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  • 10 Health Benefits of Yogurt

    1. Good for Digestive System
    The good bacteria present in yogurt play a vital role in promoting good digestion. It is also effective for the treatment of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and pylori infection.
    People who are lactose intolerant can substitute milk and other dairy products with yogurt.

    2. Boosts Immune System
    Yogurt boosts your immune system and enhances its power to fight diseases like asthma, gastrointestinal disorders and common cold. A research conducted in Vienna proved that 4 ounces of yogurt can keep you safe from cold for months. The same amount is much more effective for women in combating infections.

    3. Weight Loss
    Weight loss is not a dream any more. You can cut down your belly fat by consuming just 18 ounces of yogurt. Many researches have been conducted in the past which support this statement. One such study was conducted at Harvard in the year 2011 in which the relationship of certain types of food with weight loss was analyzed over a period of 4 years. In this study yogurt proved to be beneficial for weight loss.

    4. Lowers Cholesterol
    Yogurt with live active cultures can be very effective for lowering your cholesterol level. The live active cultures decrease cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Plus, thew probiotics also binds bile acids, which in turn helps lower cholesterol.

    5. Prevents Colon Cancer
    Yogurt is great for keeping your colon healthy. Lactobacillus bacteria are a kind of intestine-friendly bacteria present in yogurt that promote growth of healthy bacteria in the colon and thus reduces the risk of colon diseases.

    6. Protects Gums
    Whether it is a plain yogurt or flavored one, you can consume it without the fear of tooth decay. In fact, the lactic acid present in it protects your gums. The daily consumers of yogurt are 60% less likely to develop periodontal disease than those who don’t.

    7. Lowers the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
    In a recent study, higher intake of probiotic yogurt is directly associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. (3) Yogurt supports digestion and the absorption of nutrients throughout the digestive tract; this is essential for healthy blood sugar regulation.

    8. Regulates Moods
    The effects of probiotics on the digestive tract and blood sugar levels have already been discussed, but as it turns out, the health of our gut is directly related to our mood. In a study from UCLA’s Gail and Gerald Oppenheimer Family Center for Neurobiology of Stress that studied brain scans during and after the study, researchers found healthy women who regularly consumed probiotics through yogurt showed more control in emotions and less anxiety when introduced to emotional events. (11) The group that consumed yogurt ate two servings per day for four weeks.

    9. Strong Bones
    The high contents of calcium and vitamin D found in yogurt make it an ideal food for strengthening your bones. 8 ounces of yogurt contain 450 mg of calcium, which is more than the same quantity of milk can provide. The presence of vitamin D ensures the proper absorption of calcium. It prevents the loss of bone density especially in women and saves you from osteoporosis and fractures.

    10. Rich in Protein
    Yogurt is rich in proteins which is essential for maintaining a good health. Proteins support growth and also provide the body with energy.


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  • Vitamin C Deficiency Signs and Symptoms

    A deficiency in vitamin C shows itself in several common ways in the body. While the signs and symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency are not too bothersome, the results of long-term low levels of vitamin C are very detrimental and worth making a priority. A severe vitamin C deficiency will result in scurvy, a disease resulting from the breakdown of collagen.

    Scurvy will make you feel fatigued and lethargic. It affects bone and muscle strength and it stifles the immune system. Scurvy is rarely seen today, as only a very small amount of vitamin C is needed to prevent it.

    Symptoms of a Vitamin C Deficiency

    1. Fatigue
    Early on, someone with a vitamin C deficiency will tend to get tired easily and experience reduced energy. Because chronic fatigue is a symptom of so many illnesses, it can be hard to catch a specific condition based on this symptom.

    2. Mood Changes
    Individuals with a vitamin C deficiency may become irritable or short tempered.

    3. Weight Loss
    As with other “wasting conditions” someone with a vitamin C deficiency may experience sudden weight loss.

    4. Joint and Muscle Aches
    Chronic pain in the limbs or joints can be a symptom of a vitamin deficiency.

    5. Dental Conditions
    Just as a healthy daily dose of vitamin C contributes to healthy teeth and gums, a deficiency can cause deterioration of the gums. Periodontal problems are a symptom of a vitamin C deficiency that has been allowed to develop to a hazardous level. This kind of deficiency was classically called “scurvy” when it happened to mariners who had no access to nutrients (or sometimes even fresh water) on long trips at sea. In today’s world, it is a rare but frightening condition.

    6. Dry Hair and Skin
    A change in hair and skin conditions can also signal that the body is not getting enough of vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals.

    7. Infections
    When an individual does not have enough vitamin C over time, this can have a negative impact on general healing of wounds and the fighting of infections. Generally, the body’s immune system will be compromised.

    8. Eye problems
    patients may complain of dryness, irritation, light intolerance, transient visual blurring and stickiness. Haemorrhaging (bleeding) beneath the conjunctiva and within the optic nerve sheath may also occur.

    9. Heart and lung problems
    shortness of breath, low blood pressure, and chest pain leading to shock and death.


    Home of Dr. Axe


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  • 7 Health Benefits of Red Beans

    There are a several varieties of red beans, including small red beans, red kidney beans and adzuki beans. Adzuki (sometimes spelled azuki or asuki) beans are easy to digest and are very flavorful, with less of a “beany” taste than other beans. Kidney beans pick up the flavors of whatever you cook them with, making them very versatile for soups, stews and chili. Small red beans are the most common, and also go by the names Mexican red bean or red chili bean. These are the beans traditionally used to make red beans and rice.

    Health Benefits of Red Beans

    1. Source of fiber
    Cup of red beans provides half your daily requirement of fiber, which not only keeps the digestive system health, ease digestion and prevent constipation, but shrinks the cholesterol levels, lowering the risk associated with cardiovascular disease and regulate blood sugar levels.

    2. Alternative to meat
    When you want a lighter meal or are in post, replacing the consumption of meat with red beans. Excellent source of protein, red beans will help to strengthen your body and muscles, to prevent cardiovascular disease and live a life full of energy! A cup of red beans is over 15 mg of healthy protein for your body.

    3. For a great memory
    Source of thiamine (vitamin B1), red bean consumption stimulates attention and memory, is particularly beneficial during periods of intellectual overloaded, eliminate insomnia, combat depression, fatigue and anxiety and lowers Alzheimer’s risks .

    4. Prevents diabetes
    Red kidney beans fall in the category of low glycemic index foods and they do not spike the blood glucose levels post meal in diabetics. In other words, they raise the blood glucose levels very slowly. Also, they contain good quality carbohydrates and lean protein which makes them a healthy option. And the cherry on the cake is that they are low in fat too. Also, the two amino acids which regulate insulin levels — arginine and leucine are present abundantly in red kidney beans.

    5. Lowers cholesterol levels
    Rajma is a tremendous source of soluble fibre which helps lower cholesterol levels. Soluble fibre forms a gel when it comes in contact with the stomach contents and this binds the cholesterol and prevents its re-absorption back into the system, thus lowering blood cholesterol levels.

    6. Helps lose weight
    These fibre-rich beans when consumed, occupy a lot of space in the stomach thus providing a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time and they are low in fat too. This makes it an appropriate pre-workout option as it will provide sustained energy throughout.

    7. Strengthens the immune system
    The health benefits of rajma are not just limited to its fibre and protein content as it is full of antioxidants too. These antioxidants boost our immune system and protect it from the harmful effects of free radicals by scavenging them and limiting the damage. Antioxidants are also believed to have anti-ageing properties.


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  • 11 Natural Remedies for Hearing Loss

    1. Ginger Compress
    Applying a ginger compress over the ears and kidney area helps to break up accumulations of fat and mucous.

    2. Onion
    Onion is considered as an excellent home remedy for hearing loss and deafness. To use onion for treating hearing loss and deafness, you macerate onion (300 g) in 1 litre of water for at least haft-day. You should take three glasses per day. Another option is to place onion packs in the troubled ear for curing middle ear infection in kids.

    3. Apple cider
    Apple cider vinegar is rich in magnesium, potassium, zinc and manganese. Deficiency in any one of these minerals can cause problems with hearing.

    4. Table Salt
    One of great home remedy for hearing loss is using salt poultice. For instant results, you heat one cup of salt by a pan or microwave for 4 minutes. Afterwards, you spread it on to a cloth and then tie up the edges of this cloth to create a round leak proof poultice. Lastly, you place it on the troubed ear for 10 minutes for good effects. It is suggested to repeat this process as many times as needed daily.

    5. Bone marrow
    For best results, you should make a bone marrow soup with organic calves’ bones or sheep’s bones. You can cook add three pounds bones and 1/3 cup each of kidney beans, black beans and adzuki beans, 2 diced celery stalks, 2 diced carrots, one-half cup dried seaweed and 1 sliced onion to eight cups of water in a large pot. You should use season with one teaspoon each cumin, turmeric and black pepper.

    6. Blenders and Coffee Grinders
    Some models may exceed 88 dB. Muffle the sound by wrapping a large kitchen towel around the base, where the motor is, when in use.

    7. Garbage Disposal
    Older models can exceed the safety threshold. Use earplugs when standing near the sink while the disposal’s running.

    8. Protect Your Ears from These Everyday Noisemakers
    Hearing loss typically develops slowly, the result of prolonged exposure to thousands of high-decibel insults to the ear. Much of that damage may occur right in your own home: Many popular small appliances exceed the safe-volume threshold of 85 decibels—akin to the din of busy city traffic.

    9. Surgically correcting anatomical problems with the eardrums or bones of the middle ear
    Removing ear wax that blocks the ear canal by washing it out or dissolving it with ear drops

    10 .Avoid Cold and Raw Foods
    Avoid cold and raw foods and icy beverages, as the coldness may constrict the eustachian tubes, causing poor drainage from the inner ears.
    Maintain a diet low in saturated fats, and eliminate fried and greasy foods.

    11. Avoid Processed meats and Dairy products
    Avoid processed meats and dairy products, as they have a tendency to increase mucus production. Protein deposits similar to those in milk have been found in the inner ear of patients with partial hearing loss.


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