• 10 Tips To Take Care Of Your Baby’s Health This Winter

    Winter is one of those seasons when most parents worry about the health of their babies. Of course, along with dropping temperatures there is also the danger of viruses making their rounds. During winters, your baby’s immunity gives in and tends to become weak. This happens due to an increase in infections that are viral and bacterial in nature. Since most of these winter viruses are airborne, there is not much you can do to protect your baby from this inevitable cold. Some of the common viruses that cause such problems are Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV, Rhinovirus, Influenza virus, Flu, Bronchiolitis etc. It is important to know about the symptoms of such infections to avail help when needed at the earliest. Common cold is the most prevailing of the winter viruses, presenting symptoms of a runny nose, fever and cough. Bronchial infections like RSV, cause inflammation of the inner lungs, Coughing, wheezing and difficulty in sleeping,Trouble breathing, gasping for breath and short breaths and Coughing to the point of vomiting.
    These infections can be caused by direct contact with a sick person, or by indirect exposure to a contaminated surface.
    So, here are some tips to take care of your baby and prevent these health problems this winter.

    1. Layer Up
    It’s important to keep your baby warm, but not too warm. Heat and moisture (sweat) aggravates soft skin. Too many layers may lead to a case of prickly heat rash. Dress baby in one more layer of clothing than you’re wearing. When in doubt, just put a hand under her clothing to test her body heat and make sure she’s not sweaty.

    2. Washing hands
    Many of us use water very sparingly for our kids during winter since it is cold and untouchable. Try washing your little ones hands in warm water or hand santiser before they eat as it is the main route of infection for the communicable diseases like cold, flu, pneumonia. And if you are feeding your infant or small babies washing your hand properly each time is a must.

    3. Wash your Winter Wear Regularly
    We seldom wash our sweater, jackets as it takes a long time to dry. We think that in winter there is less sweating so it will not become soiled soon. But woolens have the tendency to attract dust and it may lead to dust allergy and asthma. Wash your wollens regularly.

    4. Aerate the room
    I can hear you thinking ,”Aerating the room in the winter!! Are you kidding? ” Do you know that a closed warm room may attract more microbes than a room that has air flow in it? We are not asking you to open all the windows and doors. just leave the windows and doors open for a few minutes when the sun is shining bright so that clean air can flow through the room, also UV rays of the sunlight are a natural disinfectant.
    Also air tends to get dry, with less than 5 percent humidity, when you heat your home using heaters or AC. This dryness leaches out the moisture from your skin. Keeping the humidity level between 25 percent to 40 percent is ideal. If your child is prone to eczema flare-ups, clogged nasal passage with difficulty in breathing and eating, using a cold mist humidifier in your child’s room can be very beneficial.

    5. Clean the nose regularly
    The mucus may harden to thick crusts inside the nose more during winter. So it is necessary to clean the nose regularly. Wet a cotton swab in warm water and gently wipe the area. In case of stuffy, clogged nose use padeatric nasal saline to wash out the nasal passage.

    6. Bathing and moisturizing
    Every parents hesitate to bathe their baby frequently in winter. But it is advisable to bathe them atleast once a week. While bathing, your baby might be extremely susceptible to this weather change. Ensure you maintain a balance between the bathroom and the bedroom temperature. It would be advisable to make sure there are no gusts of wind or cold air while you bathe your child.
    Moisturizing is the key for maintaining perfect skin health of children in winter. If not adequately moisturized (atleast twice a day) it may lead to dry skin and eczema. After bath, dry the body properly and apply the moisturizer cream or oil evenly throughout the skin and massage lightly.

    7. Maintain adequate hydration
    Hydrate your child with adequate water intake. Warm water seasoned with jeera is a good choice for winter months. If your child doesn’t drink water, substitute water with warm soups and beverages. If you are breastfeeding then increase the number of feeds per day.

    8. Get the sunlight
    If it is sunny then take your kids outside in the sun. Sun is the best source for Vit D and in winter season due to decreased exposure to sun, some children even develop Vit D Deficiency. Don’t forget the sunscreen!!

    9. Avoid Crowds
    In winter it is better to avoid crowded places , as there might be increased chance of infection due to suspended aerosols in the air.

    10. No! Self Medication Please
    Many moms enquire, “The paediatrician gave this medicine last time during fever, Can I use the same now?” Well, this is is ok for the paracetamol and medicines to clear the nasal congestion.
    It is not ok to give antibiotics prescribed earlier, because the infecting agent may be different and your child may require a different antibiotic. So please consult a doctor before starting your child on any medication.


    1. https://www.sharecare.com
    2. https://www.mylittlemoppet.com
    3. http://www.momjunction.com

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  • Fats removing Techniques


    Here are some techniques for removing unwanted Fats and loose your weight.

    Living in a toxic environment means that we’re exposed to toxins on a regular basis. It is almost impossible to avoid toxicity completely. Even, the food we eat is loaded with chemicals. Fortunately, our body removes toxins in a natural manner.

    There are 2 groups of toxins:

    • Water soluble toxins, which are removed through the kidneys and the blood.
    • Fat soluble toxins, which are difficult to be removed.

    Fat Soluble Toxins are difficult to be removes and they can be completely removed only when they become water soluble. Some of these toxins are:

    • Pesticides
    • Heavy metals
    • Preservatives
    • Plastics
    • Food additives
    • Pollutants
    • Various environmental compounds

    The liver is crucial in this process. Even though the digestive system and the detox pathways are functioning properly, these toxins can reach the blood, fat cells, and brain, from the liver. Moreover, these toxins can stay in our body for years.

    In order to prevent these toxins from staying there, the digestion, detox pathways and stress levels should be regulated. When we digest the meal, two types of fats (toxic and nutritional) are mixed from the stomach to the small intestine. Then the bile from our liver and gallbladder emulsifies them in the small intestine. The small intestine has millions of tiny villi and lacteals (finger-like mucus membranes that resemble grass).

    These villi and lacteals absorb the nutritional fats and move the toxic fats to the liver for procession. In this way, our gut is cleansed. In case the detox pathways are damaged, the toxic fats won’t be eliminated. As a result, they will be stored in the body.

    The Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue, or GALT, is the initial part of the lymphatic system which surrounds the intestinal tract. This is where lacteals cause the absorption and processing of both toxic and nutritional fats. It is necessary for this part to have properly functioning villi and lacteals. Then the lymphatic system takes the absorbed fats to the liver. The good fats are used by the liver for the production of:

    • Cholesterol
    • Hormones
    • Cell membranes
    • Skin
    • Brain cells

    Once processed, our liver will mark them for removal.

    In case of a congestion in the lymphatic system, there is a severe impact on the process of usage of good fats and removal of bad fats. .There are several symptoms which indicate congested GALT which is harming the lymphatic system:

    • Bloating
    • Swelling in breast; breast tenderness in menstrual cycle
    • Skin irritation/itching
    • Hypersensitive
    • Elimination problems
    • Additional weight around the belly
    • Stiffness in the joints
    • Swelling in hands/feet
    • Irregular headaches

    Stress and poor diet can affect our intestinal villi, which can affect the functioning of our bowels. Prolonged constipation can make the intestinal villi dry, which can result in the production of reactive mucus.

    When there’s too much mucus, bloating can appear besides normal stools (1 to 3 normal bowel movements daily). Moreover, more frequent bowel movements may appear and the stools may look like diarrhea. In case you notice mucus in the stool, pay your doctor a visit because it may indicate excess congestion in the villi.

    When this happens, the delivery of good fats, excretion of toxic fats, the normal immune response, and the health of the intestinal skin cause obstruction of the process of disintegrating toxins. Normally, the neutralization of toxins absorbed into the lymph is performed by immune-boosting white blood cells in over 500+ lymph nodes in the lymphatic system. When there is too much mucus, the toxins are directed back to the liver.

    To prevent this from happening, there must be an established balance of the mucus membranes. Some other factors, such as: stress, processed food, coffee, soft drinks, food additives, and hyperacidity, may affect the intestinal villi.

    Maintenance of proper health also requires an ideal flow of bile from our liver. The bile helps in digesting fats and has the ability to work as an effective immune system responder within our digestive tract.

    Bile disintegrates all toxins that can be harmful to the body. If your diet consists of large amounts of fiber, the large amount of bile will be removed through stool. However, if your diet lacks fiber, 94% of the bile will be reabsorbed by the liver for recycling. Toxins will also be included in this process. In such a situation, the liver can become overwhelmed as it is not expecting the return of these toxic fat cells.
    This can result with congestion in the liver over the long term. Moreover, our bile can become very thick and sludge-like. This makes it harder for the bile to break down fat-soluble toxins because it will not be able to ward off the acids from stomach that enter our small intestine. This will trigger the mucus production, irritate the villi and cause congestion. As a consequence, the entire digestive system will be affected.

    The toxins and the sludgy bile result in congestion within the biliary tubes in our liver, the liver lets fat-soluble toxins into our blood stream. The toxins will then reach the fat cells and get stored for years. This leads to damage due to free radicals. This will cause numerous health problems, because over time, these toxins can transform into neurotoxins and get stored in the fatty tissues in our brain.

    It is important to detox our body through the fat metabolism. The elimination of fat cells helps in further toxin removal. This can be achieved by burning fat, losing weight, improving the lifestyle, reducing stress and incorporating a healthy diet.

    As we mentioned before, when the lymph and the villi are congested, absorption of the food fats is made impossible. This results in allergies to soy, dairy and wheat. Such foods are too heavy, difficult to digest and require high amount of mucus. Moreover, the high amount of gluten they contain causes irritation of the intestinal walls. This can stimulate release of additional reactive mucus even when there is too much mucus in your gut and the stomach and upper small intestine didn’t break down the gluten effectively. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to remove wheat and dairy products completely from our diet.

    In case of loose stools, mucus in the bowel, or regular constipation, it may be a sign of detoxification and pathways issue. Moreover, if you experience pain or nausea after eating certain foods, it may mean that there is a toxic fat storage. Fighting this issue may mean that you should take proper care of your health and pay close attention to your diet. There are foods which may help in the process of liver cleansing, such as: garlic, beets, green tea, grapefruit, carrots, avocados, apples, olive oil, limes and lemons, green leafy veggies, turmeric, walnuts and cabbage.

    We present you one of the best methods for cleansing your liver and bile.

    3 lemons or a single large grapefruit
    4 tbsp epsom salt
    Half cup of virgin olive oil
    Apple juice (you may also use malic acid supplements) – optional

    4 to 5 days before starting the treatment, you should take as many apples you can or drink apple juice. You may also use malic acid supplements. In the last two days, take 8 ounces of apple juice every 2 to 3 hours. This will help in making your cleansing process a success.

    During the 1st day of the treatment, start with a light breakfast without any fats. This will help in the accumulation of bile in the liver, creating pressure. It will help in removing stones from the liver.

    At 2pm the same day: Mix 4 tbsp of Epsom salts in three cups of water in a jar. Keep it in the refrigerator. Avoid taking any food after 2 pm.

    At 6pm: Take three-fourth cup of the mixture from the jar. To improve the flavor you can add 1/8 tbsp of powdered vitamin C.

    At 8 pm: Take again three-fourths of the mixture. You shouldn’t do anything after doing a liver cleanse, just lying down and sleeping.

    At 9:45: Take a jar and add half cup of the virgin olive oil into it. Take the grapefruit and squeeze the juice into the jar. Use a fork to remove the pulp. This will give you half to three-fourths juice to mix with the olive oil. Close the lid and shake well.

    At 10 pm: Drink this mixture. Try to consume the whole mixture within 5 minutes.

    Then, lie down on your right side. The right knee should be kept up pointing to your chin for around 20-25 minutes. Avoid any movement and you can go to sleep.

    In the morning, just after you wake up, take three-fourth cup of Epsom salt dosage and you can again go to sleep. Consume the remaining salts 2 hours later. Then, wait for another 2 hours before you take anything (avoid solid fruits yet). You should take only fluids and then gradually move to fruits.

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  • दोस्रो पुस्ताको व्यवसायः अनलाइन औषधी पसल

    ४ असार, काठमाडौं । तपाईँ यदि काठमाडौंको कालिमाटी एरियामा बस्नुहुन्छ ने तपाईँले एक न एक चोटि एसएम फर्मामा औषधी किन्नुभएकै होला । चार दशकभन्दा बढी समयदेखि सञ्चालनमा रहेको यो औषधी पसल कालिमाटीको ‘ल्याण्डमार्क’ नै भइसकेको छ ।

    सबी सिंह र उनका दाजु सञ्जीवले अहिले एसएम फर्मा चलाउँदै आएका छन् । तर, बिल्कुलै फरक तरिकाले । जनस्वास्थ्य विषयमा स्नातक गरेकी सबी र उनका सूचना-प्रविधि पढेका दाजुले आफ्नो पारिवारिक व्यापारको दशकौं पुरानो सञ्जालको प्रयोग गर्दै व्यवसायलाई नयाँ उँचाइमा पुर्‍याएका छन् ।

    उनीहरू मिलेर सञ्चालन गरेको अनलाइन औषधी प्रा. लि. ले तपाईँको घरैमा तपाईँलाई चाहिने महत्वपूर्ण औषधी ‘डेलिभरी’ गरिदिन्छ ।

    ‘सञ्जीव र म हुर्किँदै गर्दा फुर्सद भएको बेलामा बुवाको पसलमा बस्ने गर्थ्यौं’, अनलान औषधीकी प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत सबी सम्झन्छिन् ।

    उनीहरूको बाल्यकाल फरक-फरक किसिमका औषधीकै बीचमा बित्यो । त्यसमाथि बुवालाई समस्या देखाउन आएका बिरामीहरूको पीडा पनि उनीहरूले प्रत्यक्ष देखेका थिए ।

    ‘त्यो जमानामा एसएम फर्मा जस्ता औषधी पसलहरू खालि औषधी पसल मात्रै थिएनन् । मानिसहरू डाक्टरकहाँ जानुभन्दा मेडिकल हलमा गएर आफ्नो समस्या सुनाउन सजिलो मान्थे’, सबी भन्छिन् ।

    त्यसैले सानै उमेरदेखि उनीहरू दुवै जनालाई औषधी व्यवसाय बुझ्न खासै महिनेत गर्नुपरेन । उनीहरूले समयसँगै सिके ।

    बीआईटी पढ्दै गर्दा सञ्जीवले कलेजमा एउटा प्रोजेक्ट बुझाउनुपर्ने थियो, सूचना-प्रविधिमा आफ्नो दक्षता प्रदर्शन गर्न । उनले छानेको प्रोजेक्टले सबै जना आश्चर्यमा परे ।

    ‘मैले यस्तो सफ्टवेयर बनाएँ, जसको प्रयोगले औषधी पसलको स्टक व्यवस्थापन गर्न सकिन्छ’, उनले भने, ‘औषधी पसलमा थुप्रै औषधी हुन्छन्, कुन चाहिँको मिति सकियो र कुनको स्टक सकियो हेरिरहन निकै गाह्रो हुन्छ ।’

    उनले बनाएको सफ्टवेयरले यो सबै समस्या केही हदसम्म समाधान गरिदिएको थियो ।

    उनीहरूका बुवा सूर्यमान सिंहको केही वर्षअघि निधन हुँदा उनीहरूको औषधि पसल ‘अटो पाइलट’ मा गइसकेको थियो । औषधिका थोक बिक्रेताले सबै सामान आफैं ल्याइदिन्थे । पसल चलाउँन खासै मिहिनेत नलाग्ने भइसकेको थियो । कलेज सकेर सबी भने स्वास्थ्य सेवा विभागमा काम गर्न थालिसकेकी थिइन् ।

    सञ्जीव भने एउटा आइटी कम्पनीमा संलग्न थिए । अनलाइन औषधी पसलको आइडिया भने उनीहरूलाई निकै पछि मात्रै आएको थियो ।

    ‘एकदिन अफिसका साथीहरूसँग कुरा गर्दै गर्दा मैले आफूले पहिले औषधी पसल व्यवस्थापन गर्ने सफ्टवेयर बनाएको कुरा गर्दै थिएँ’, उनी भन्छन्- ‘त्यत्तिकैमा एक जना साथीले सोधे, ‘अनलाइन औषधी पसल किन नखोल्ने त ?’

    धेरै समय अनलाइन औषधी पसलको कुरा उनको दिमागमा चलिरह्यो । केही दिनपछि उनले यो विषयमा बहिनी सबीसँग कुरा गरे । सबीले तुरून्तै सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया दिइन् ।

    ‘हामीले काम सुरू गर्दा काठमाडौंमा अनलाइन व्यापार निकै फस्टाएको थियो । इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स र लुगा अनलाइन किन्न पाइन्छ, तर औषधी किन किन्न पाइन्न ?’, यो सोच जन्मिँदाको समय सम्झन्छिन् उनी ।

    छिटै सबै तारतम्य मिल्दै गयो र कामले गति लियो । उनीहरूले आफ्नो बलिया पक्षहरूको बारेमा बल्ल जानकारी पाए । उनीहरूसँग नेपालभर फैलिएको औषधी व्यवसायको सञ्जालमा पहुँच थियो र त्यसको प्रयोग गरेर सबैजसो औषधी मगाउन सकिन्थ्यो, त्यो पनि निकै छोटो समयमा । सञ्जीवले नयाँ कम्पनीका लागि सफ्टवेयर बनाए ।

    केही महिनाभित्रै दुवै जना मिलेर नयाँ कम्पनी दर्ता गरे, घर-घर औषधी ‘डेलिभरी’ गर्ने ।

    ‘हामीले अनुमतिका लागि निवेदन दिँदा अनलाइन औषधी व्यवसाय भन्ने क्याटेगोरी नै थिएन ’, सबी सम्झन्छिन्, ‘यसकारण अनलाइन औषधीले नियमहरूको पालना गर्न भए पनि एउटा छु्ट्टै पसल खोल्नुपर्ने भयो ।’

    ‘कानूनले अनलाइन औषधी बेच्न पाइँदैन भनेको छैन । त्यसैले यसलाई अवैध भन्न मिल्दैन’, सञ्जीव भन्छन् ।

    कसरी काम गर्छ त अनलाइन औषधीले ?

    यदि तपाईँलाई औषधी चाहियो भने तपाईँसँग दुई उपाय छन् । तपाईँ अनलाइन औषधीको वेबसाइटमा गएर रजिष्टर गरी आफ्नो औषधी मगाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । अथवा कम्पनीको फेसबुक पेज वा भाइबरमा पनि आफ्नो अर्डर टिपाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । ९८४१५६८५६८ मा फोन गरेर अर्डर गर्ने सुविधा पनि उपलब्ध छ ।

    तर, चिकित्सकको प्रेस्क्रिप्सने भने तपाईँले देखाउनुपर्ने हुन्छ । कम्पनीका अनुसार, ४८ घण्टाभित्र औषधी डेलिभर गरिन्छ र ५ सय रुपैयाँभन्दा बढीको औषधी डेलिभरी शुल्कबिनै तपाईँको घरमै पुर्‍याइन्छ ।

    अनलाइन औषधीको सेवा अप्ठ्यारो स्थितिमा रहेका मानिसले पनि प्रयोग गर्ने गरेका छन् । यसको एउटा उदाहरण त सबी र सञ्जीवले सधैं सम्झन्छन् ।

    एकदिन उनीहरुलाई पाटन अस्पतालबाट औषधी मगाउँदै फोन आयो । जब डेलिभरी गर्ने मान्छे अप्पतालमा पुग्यो, उसले देख्यो- अस्पतालमा घाइते भएर सुतेको बिरामीले पो औषधि अर्डर गरेको रहेछ !

    ‘डाक्टरले उसलाई औषधीको सूची थमाएको रहेछ । ऊ भने हिँड्न नसकेर बेडमै रहेछ’, उनीहरू भन्छन् ।

    औषधी बेच्नुका साथै अनलाइन औषधीले आफ्नो ग्राहकहरूको रेकर्ड पनि राख्ने गर्दछ । यो सेवा धेरैले रुचाएका पनि छन् । किनभने औषधी किन्ने काठमाडौंका अधिकांश मानिस आफ्ना लागि भन्दा पनि आफ्ना परिवारजनका लागि औषधी किन्छन् ।

    ‘एकदिन हामीले एकजना ग्राहकलाई तपाईँको औषधी सकिने बेला भयो भनेर फोन गरेका थियौं । तर, ऊ मान्नै तयार थिएन । उसकी आमाले खाने गरेको औषधी धेरै बाँकी रहेको देखेर उसले हामीले भनेको पत्याएको थिएन’, सञ्जीव भन्छन् ।

    उनले थपे, ‘तर केही समयपछि उसले थाहा पाएछ, उसकी आमाले त औषधी खान बिर्सिँदो रै’छिन् !’

    ती ग्राहकले पछि अनलाइन औषधीलाई धन्यवाद पनि दिएका थिए ।

    अनलाइन औषधी बेच्न थालेको एक वर्ष बित्दै गर्दा सिंह दाजु-बहिनीले काठमाडौंमा भन्दा बढी त यो सेवा राजधानी बाहिर पो चाहिएको रहेछ भनेर बुझेका छन् ।

    ‘हामीले यस्ता धेरै मानिसहरू भेट्यौं, जो उपचारका लागि काठमाडौं आउँछन्, तर घर फर्केपछि औषधी मगाउन सक्दैनन्’, सबी भन्छिन्, ‘औषधीको लागि मात्र काठमाडौं आउन निकै महँगो पर्छ ।’ काठमाडौं बाहिर पनि छिटै सेवा सुरु गर्ने उनीहरूको लक्ष्य छ ।

    आजकाल उनीहरूको कार्यालय बाफलमा छ । त्यहाँ ठूलो साइनबोर्ड छैन । तर, कालिमाटीमा औषधि भन्नासाथ एसएम फर्माको नाम आउने गरे जस्तै इन्टरनेट ओखती भन्दा अनलाइन औषधी भन्ने दिन चाँडै आओस् भन्ने उनीहरूको चाहना छ ।

    Source : https://www.onlinekhabar.com/2017/06/599625

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  • सुत्नुभन्दा अगाडि एक गिलास दुध पिउनुका फाइदा जानी राखौं

    दुध पिउनु स्वास्थ्यको लागि निकै फाइदाजनक मानिन्छ बिहानको तुलनामा राती दुध पिउँदा थुप्रै हर्मोनले प्रभावकारी रुपमा काम गर्दछ

    यसकारण राती दुध पिउनुपर्छः
    दुधमा ट्रिप्टोफेन नामको तत्व पाइन्छ जसले शरिरलाई रिल्याक्स बनाउँछ राती सुत्नुभन्दा पहिले दुध पिउँदा मिठो निन्द्रा लाग्छ । राती दुध पिउँदा मेटाबोलिजमको प्रक्रिया तीब्र हुन्छ जसका कारण तौल तीब्र रुपमा कम हुन्छ । बिहानको समयमा दुध पिउँदा कब्जियत हुनसक्छ त्यसकारण विशेषज्ञ पनि राती दुध पिउने सल्लाह दिन्छन्

    मिठो निन्द्रा लाग्नमा सहयोगीः
    दुधमा पाइने ट्रिप्टोफेन नामक एमिनो एसिडले दिमागलाई शान्त बनाएर तनाव हटाउँछ निन्द्रा राम्रो लाग्न सहयोग गर्दछ

    पाचन क्रिया राम्रो बनाउन सहयोगीः
    दुधमा पाइने पानीलेडाइजेस्टिभ ट्र्याकको सफाई गरेर बेलुका खाएको मसालेदार खानालाई पचाउन सहयोग गर्दछ

    स्ट्रोकबाट बचाउँछ
    जापानमा भएको सोधका अनुसार दुधमा पाइने क्याल्सियमले स्ट्रोकबाट बचाउँछ

    रक्तचाप नियन्त्रणः
    दुधमा पाइने क्याल्सियम, पोटासियम म्याग्नेसियम जस्ता मिनरल्सले रक्तचापलाई नियन्त्रण गरेर उच्च रक्तचापको समस्याबाट जोगाउँछ

    मांसपेशी बनाउनः
    दुधमा सेसिन ह्वे प्रोटिन हुन्छ जसले मांसपेशीलाई बलियो बनाउँछ बडि बिल्डिङका लागि यिनै प्रोटिनको प्रयोग हुन्छ

    बलियो हड्डीः
    एक ग्लास दुधमा पुरुषको दैनिक आवश्यक पर्ने ३७ प्रतिशत क्याल्सिम हुन्छ यसले हड्डी बलियो हुन्छ

    ऊर्जावान् ताजाः
    दुधमा पाइने क्याल्सियम, सोडियम पोटासियम जस्ता इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्सले शरिरलाई ऊर्जावान् ताजा राख्न सहयोग गर्दछ

    फ्याट बर्निङः
    दुधमा पाइने क्याल्सियम, मिल्क प्राटिन्ससँग मिलेर फ्याट बर्निङ प्रक्रियालाई तीब्र बनाउँछ यसले मोटोपनाबाट पनि बचाउँछ

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  • Malaria: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    Malaria is a life-threatening blood disease caused by parasites transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. Once an infected mosquito bites a human and transmits the parasites, those parasites multiply in the host’s liver before infecting and destroying red blood cells. Malaria is usually found in tropical and subtropical climates where the parasites that cause it live. Congenital malaria occurs when a mother with malaria passes on the disease to her baby at birth.

    The disease can be controlled and treated if diagnosed early on. Unfortunately, this is not possible in some areas of the world lacking in medical facilities, where malaria outbreaks can occur.

    Researchers are working hard on improving the prevention of malarial infection, early diagnosis and treatment, with just one malaria vaccine close to being licensed so far.

    What is malaria?
    Derived from the Italian word for “bad air,” it was originally thought swamp fumes in Rome were the cause of malaria, as outbreaks were a regular occurrence there.
    If left untreated, malaria can be fatal due to the fast reproduction of the parasite within a host’s bloodstream.
    There are more than 100 types of Plasmodium parasites, 5 which can infect a variety of species. Scientists have identified five types that specifically infect humans, they are:

    • P. falciparum – located worldwide in tropical and suburban areas, but predominately in Africa. An estimated 1 million people are killed by this strain every year. The strain can multiply rapidly and can adhere to blood vessel walls in the brain, causing rapid onset of severe malaria including cerebral malaria.
    • P. vivax – located in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, it is arguably the most widespread due to the high population of Asia. This strain has a dormant liver stage that can activate and invade the blood after months or years, causing many patients to relapse.
    • P. ovale – located mainly in West Africa, it is biologically and morphologically very similar to P. vivax. However, unlike P. vivax, this strain can affect individuals who are negative with the Duffy blood group, which is the case for many residents of sub-Saharan Africa. This explains the greater prevalence of P. ovale (rather than P. vivax) in most of Africa.
    • P. malariae – located worldwide and the only human malaria parasite to have a three-day cycle. If left untreated, P. malariae can cause a long-lasting, chronic infection that can last a lifetime and which may cause the nephrotic syndrome.
    • P. knowlesi – located in Southeast Asia and associated with macaques (a type of monkey). This strain has a 24 hour cycle and can, therefore, multiply rapidly once a patient is infected, causing an uncomplicated case to become serious very quickly. Fatal cases of infection with this strain have been reported.

    Causes of malaria:
    Malaria is caused by the bites from the female Anopheles mosquito, which then infects the body with the parasite Plasmodium. This is the only mosquito that can cause malaria.

    The successful development of the parasite within the mosquito depends on several factors, the most important being humidity and ambient temperatures.

    When an infected mosquito bites a human host, the parasite enters the bloodstream and lays dormant within the liver. For the next 5-16 days, the host will show no symptoms but the malaria parasite will begin multiplying asexually.7

    The new malaria parasites are then released back into the bloodstream when they infect red blood cells and again begin to multiply. Some malaria parasites, however, remain in the liver and are not released until later, resulting in recurrence.

    An unaffected mosquito becomes infected once it feeds on an infected individual, thus beginning the cycle again.

    The video below from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute visualizes how a single bite from an infected mosquito can quickly turn into the life-threatening disease.

    Symptoms of malaria:
    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), malaria symptoms can be classified in two categories: uncomplicated and severe malaria.

    Uncomplicated malaria is diagnosed when symptoms are present, but there are no clinical or laboratory signs to indicate a severe infection or the dysfunction of vital organs. Individuals suffering from this form, can eventually develop severe malaria if the disease is left untreated, or if they have poor or no immunity to the disease.

    Symptoms of uncomplicated malaria typically last 6-10 hours and occur in cycles that occur every second day, although some strains of the parasite can cause a longer cycle or mixed symptoms. Symptoms are often flu-like and may be undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in areas where malaria is less common. In areas where malaria is common, many patients recognize the symptoms as malaria and treat themselves without proper medical care.

    Severe malaria is defined by clinical or laboratory evidence of vital organ dysfunction. This form has the capacity to be fatal if left untreated. As a general overview, symptoms of severe malaria include:

    • Fever and chills
    • Sweats followed by a return to normal temperature, with tiredness.
    • Impaired consciousness
    • Prostration (adopting a prone or prayer position)
    • Multiple convulsions
    • Deep breathing and respiratory distress
    • Abnormal bleeding and signs of anemia
    • Clinical jaundice and evidence of vital organ dysfunction
    • profuse sweating
    • Headache
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Muscle pain
    • Coma
    • Bloody stools

    Diagnosis and Treatments of Malaria:
    Your doctor will be able to diagnose malaria. During your appointment, your doctor will review your health history, including any recent travel to tropical climates. A physical exam will also be performed. Your doctor will be able to determine if you have an enlarged spleen or liver. If you have symptoms of malaria, your doctor may order additional blood tests to confirm your diagnosis. These tests will show:

    • whether or not you have malaria
    • what type of malaria you have
    • if your infection is caused by a parasite that’s resistant to certain types of drugs
    • if the disease has caused anemia
    • if the disease has affected your vital organs

    Malaria is a life-threatening condition. Treatment for the disease is typically provided in a hospital. Your doctor will prescribe medications based on the type of parasite that you have. In some instances, the medication prescribed will not clear you of the infection. Parasites that are resistant to drugs have been reported. These parasites make many drugs ineffective. If this occurs, your doctor may need to use more than one medication or change medications altogether to treat your condition.

    Complications of Malaria:
    Malaria can cause a number of life-threatening complications like

    • swelling of the blood vessels of the brain, or cerebral malaria
    • an accumulation of fluid in the lungs that causes breathing problems, or pulmonary edema
    • organ failure of the kidneys, liver, or spleen
    • anemia due to the destruction of red blood cells
    • low blood sugar

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  • Swine Flu (Swine Influenza A [H1N1 and H3N2v] Virus)

    What is the swine flu?

    Swine flu (swine influenza) is a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs, resulting in nasal secretions, a barking cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior. Swine flu produces most of the same symptoms in pigs as human flu produces in people. Swine flu can last about one to two weeks in pigs that survive. Swine influenza virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the U.S. and has been recognized by pork producers and veterinarians to cause infections in pigs worldwide. In a number of instances, people have developed the swine flu infection when they are closely associated with pigs (for example, farmers, pork processors), and likewise, pig populations have occasionally been infected with the human flu infection. In most instances, the cross-species infections (swine virus to man; human flu virus to pigs) have remained in local areas and have not caused national or worldwide infections in either pigs or humans. Unfortunately, this cross-species situation with influenza viruses has had the potential to change. Investigators decided the 2009 so-called “swine flu” strain, first seen in Mexico, should be termed novel H1N1 flu since it was mainly found infecting people and exhibits two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) and N1 (neuraminidase type1). The eight RNA strands from novel H1N1 flu have one strand derived from human flu strains, two from avian (bird) strains, and five from swine strains.

    How is swine flu transmitted? Is swine flu contagious?

    Swine flu is transmitted from person to person by inhalation or ingestion of droplets containing virus from people sneezing or coughing; it is not transmitted by eating cooked pork products. The newest swine flu virus that has caused swine flu is influenza A H3N2v (commonly termed H3N2v) that began as an outbreak in 2011. The “v” in the name means the virus is a variant that normally infects only pigs but has begun to infect humans. There have been small outbreaks of H1N1 since the pandemic; a recent one is in India where at least three people have died.

    What is the incubation period for swine flu?

    The incubation period for swine flu is about one to four days, with the average being two days; in some people, the incubation period may be as long as about seven days in adults and children.

    What is the contagious period for swine flu?

    The contagious period for swine flu in adults usually begins one day before symptoms develop in an adult and it lasts about five to seven days after the person becomes sick. However, people with weakened immune systems and children may be contagious for a longer period of time (for example, about 10 to 14 days).

    How long does the swine flu last?

    In uncomplicated infections, swine flu typically begins to resolve after three to seven days, but the malaise and cough can persist two weeks or more in some patients. Severe swine flu may require hospitalization that increases the length of time of infection to about nine to 10 days.

    What causes swine flu?

    The cause of the 2009 swine flu was an influenza A virus type designated as H1N1. In 2011, a new swine flu virus was detected. The new strain was named influenza A (H3N2)v. Only a few people (mainly children) were first infected, but officials from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported increased numbers of people infected in the 2012-2013 flu season. Currently, there are not large numbers of people infected with H3N2v. Unfortunately, another virus termed H3N2 (note no “v” in its name) has been detected and caused flu, but this strain is different from H3N2v. In general, all of the influenza A viruses have a structure similar to the H1N1 virus; each type has a somewhat different H and/or N structure.

    Why is swine flu now infecting humans?

    Many researchers now consider that two main series of events can lead to swine flu (and also avian or bird flu) becoming a major cause for influenza illness in humans.

    First, the influenza viruses (types A, B, C) are enveloped RNA viruses with a segmented genome; this means the viral RNA genetic code is not a single strand of RNA but exists as eight different RNA segments in the influenza viruses. A human (or bird) influenza virus can infect a pig respiratory cell at the same time as a swine influenza virus; some of the replicating RNA strands from the human virus can get mistakenly enclosed inside the enveloped swine influenza virus. For example, one cell could contain eight swine flu and eight human flu RNA segments. The total number of RNA types in one cell would be 16; four swine and four human flu RNA segments could be incorporated into one particle, making a viable eight RNA-segmented flu virus from the 16 available segment types. Various combinations of RNA segments can result in a new subtype of virus (this process is known as antigenic shift) that may have the ability to preferentially infect humans but still show characteristics unique to the swine influenza virus (see Figure 1). It is even possible to include RNA strands from birds, swine, and human influenza viruses into one virus if a single cell becomes infected with all three types of influenza (for example, two bird flu, three swine flu, and three human flu RNA segments to produce a viable eight-segment new type of flu viral genome). Formation of a new viral type is considered to be antigenic shift; small changes within an individual RNA segment in flu viruses are termed antigenic drift (see figure 1) and result in minor changes in the virus. However, these small genetic changes can accumulate over time to produce enough minor changes that cumulatively alter the virus’ makeup over time (usually years).

    Second, pigs can play a unique role as an intermediary host to new flu types because pig respiratory cells can be infected directly with bird, human, and other mammalian flu viruses. Consequently, pig respiratory cells are able to be infected with many types of flu and can function as a “mixing pot” for flu RNA segments (see figure 1). Bird flu viruses, which usually infect the gastrointestinal cells of many bird species, are shed in bird feces. Pigs can pick these viruses up from the environment, and this seems to be the major way that bird flu virus RNA segments enter the mammalian flu virus population. Figure 1 shows this process in H1N1, but the figure represents the genetic process for all flu viruses, including human, swine, and avian strains.

    What are swine flu symptoms and signs?

    Symptoms of swine flu are similar to most influenza infections: fever (100 F or greater), cough (usually dry), nasal secretions, fatigue, and headache, with fatigue being reported in most infected individuals. Some patients may also get a sore throat, rash, body (muscle) aches or pains, headaches, chills, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In Mexico, many of the initial patients infected with H1N1 influenza were young adults, which made some investigators speculate that a strong immune response, as seen in young people, may cause some collateral tissue damage. The incubation period from exposure to first symptoms is about one to four days, with an average of two days. The symptoms last about one to two weeks and can last longer if the person has a severe infection.

    Some patients develop severe respiratory symptoms, such as shortness of breath, and need respiratory support (such as a ventilator to breathe for the patient). Patients can get pneumonia (bacterial secondary infection) if the viral infection persists, and some can develop seizures. Death often occurs from secondary bacterial infection of the lungs; appropriate antibiotics need to be used in these patients. The usual mortality (death) rate for typical influenza A is about 0.1%, while the 1918 “Spanish flu” epidemic had an estimated mortality rate ranging from 2%-20%. Swine (H1N1) flu in Mexico had about 160 deaths and about 2,500 confirmed cases, which would correspond to a mortality rate of about 6%, but these initial data were revised and the mortality rate worldwide was estimated to be much lower. Fortunately, the mortality rate of H1N1 remained low and similar to that of the conventional flu (average conventional flu mortality rate is about 36,000 per year; projected H1N1 flu mortality rate was 90,000 per year in the U.S. as determined by the president’s advisory committee, but it never approached that high number).

    Fortunately, although H1N1 developed into a pandemic (worldwide) flu strain, the mortality rate in the U.S. and many other countries only approximated the usual numbers of flu deaths worldwide. Speculation about why the mortality rate remained much lower than predicted includes increased public awareness and action that produced an increase in hygiene (especially hand washing), a fairly rapid development of a new vaccine, and patient self-isolation if symptoms developed.

    What tests do health-care professionals use to diagnose swine flu?

    Swine flu is presumptively diagnosed clinically by the patient’s history of association with people known to have the disease and their symptoms listed above. Usually, a quick test (for example, nasopharyngeal swab sample) is done to see if the patient is infected with influenza A or B virus. Most of the tests can distinguish between A and B types. The test can be negative (no flu infection) or positive for type A and B. If the test is positive for type B, the flu is not likely to be swine flu. If it is positive for type A, the person could have a conventional flu strain or swine flu. However, the accuracy of these tests has been challenged, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not completed their comparative studies of these tests. However, a new test developed by the CDC and a commercial company reportedly can detect H1N1 reliably in about one hour; the test was formerly only available to the military. In 2010, the FDA approved a commercially available test that could detect H1N1 within four hours. Most of these rapid tests are based on PCR technology.

    Swine flu is definitively diagnosed by identifying the particular antigens (surface proteins) associated with the virus type. In general, this test is done in a specialized laboratory and is not done by many doctors’ offices or hospital laboratories. However, doctors’ offices are able to send specimens to specialized laboratories if necessary. Because of the large number of novel H1N1 swine flu cases that occurred in the 2009-2010 flu season (the vast majority of flu cases [about 95%-99%] were due to novel H1N1 flu viruses), the CDC recommended only hospitalized patients’ flu virus strains be sent to reference labs to be identified. H3N2v flu strains and other flu virus strains are diagnosed by similar methods.

    What types of doctors treat swine flu?

    Almost all uncomplicated patients with swine flu can be treated at home or by the patient’s pediatrician, primary-care provider, or emergency-medicine doctor. For more complicated and/or severe swine flu infections, specialists such as critical-care specialists, lung specialists (pulmonologists), and infectious-disease specialists may be consulted.

    What is the treatment for swine flu?

    The best treatment for influenza infections in humans is prevention by vaccination. Work by several laboratories has produced vaccines. The first H1N1 vaccine released in early October 2009 was a nasal spray vaccine that was approved for use in healthy individuals ages 2-49. The injectable vaccine, made from killed H1N1, became available in the second week of Oct. 2009. This vaccine was approved for use in ages 6 months to the elderly, including pregnant females. Both of these vaccines were approved by the CDC only after they had conducted clinical trials to prove that the vaccines were safe and effective. A new influenza vaccine preparation is the intradermal (trivalent) vaccine is available; it works like the shot except the administration is less painful. It is approved for ages 18-64 years.

    Almost all vaccines have some side effects. Common side effects of H1N1 vaccines (alone or in combination with other flu viral strains) are typical of flu vaccines used over many years and are as follows:

    • Flu shot: Soreness, redness, minor swelling at the shot site, muscle aches, low-grade fever, and nausea do not usually last more than about 24 hours.
    • Nasal spray: runny nose, low-grade fever, vomiting, headache, wheezing, cough, and sore throat
    • Intradermal shot: redness, swelling, pain, headache, muscle aches, fatigue

    The flu shot (vaccine) is made from killed virus particles so a person cannot get the flu from a flu shot. However, the nasal spray vaccine contains live virus that have been altered to hinder its ability to replicate in human tissue. People with a suppressed immune system should not get vaccinated with the nasal spray. Also, most vaccines that contain flu viral particles are cultivated in eggs, so individuals with an allergy to eggs should not get the vaccine unless tested and advised by their doctor that they are cleared to obtain it. Like all vaccines, rare events may occur in some rare cases (for example, swelling, weakness, or shortness of breath). About one person in a million who gets the vaccine may develop a neurological problem termed Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause weakness or paralysis, difficulty breathing, bladder and/or bowel problems, and other nerve problems. If any symptoms like these develop, see a physician immediately.

    Two antiviral agents have been reported to help prevent or reduce the effects of swine flu. They are zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu), both of which are also used to prevent or reduce influenza A and B symptoms. These drugs should not be used indiscriminately, because viral resistance to them can and has occurred. Also, they are not recommended if the flu symptoms already have been present for 48 hours or more, although hospitalized patients may still be treated past the 48-hour guideline. Severe infections in some patients may require additional supportive measures such as ventilation support and treatment of other infections like pneumonia that can occur in patients with a severe flu infection. The CDC has suggested in their guidelines that pregnant females can be treated with the two antiviral agents.

    On Dec. 22, 2014, the FDA approved the first new anti-influenza drug (for H1N1 and other influenza virus types) in 15 years, peramivir injection (Rapivab). It is approved for use in the following settings:

    Diarrhea, skin infections, hallucinations, and/or altered behavior may occur as side effects of this drug.

    • Adult patients for whom therapy with an intravenous (IV) medication is clinically appropriate, based upon one or more of the following reasons:
      • The patient is not responding to either oral or inhaled antiviral therapy, or
      • drug delivery by a route other than IV is not expected to be dependable or is not feasible, or
      • the physician decides that IV therapy is appropriate due to other circumstances.
    • Pediatric patients for whom an intravenous medication clinically appropriate because:
      • The patient is not responding to either oral or inhaled antiviral therapy, or
      • drug delivery by a route other than IV is not expected to be dependable or is not feasible.

    What are the risk factors for swine flu?

    Vaccination to prevent influenza is particularly important for people who are at increased risk for severe complications from influenza or at higher risk for influenza-related doctor or hospital visits. When vaccine supply is limited, vaccination efforts should focus on delivering vaccination to the following people since these populations have a higher risk for H1N1 and some other viral infections according to the CDC:

    • All children 6 months to 4 years (59 months) of age
    • All people 50 years of age and older
    • Adults and children who have chronic pulmonary (including asthma) or cardiovascular (except isolated hypertension), renal, hepatic, neurological, hematologic, or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus)
    • People who have immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications or by HIV)
    • Women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season
    • Children and adolescents (6 months to 18 years of age) who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and who might be at risk for experiencing Reye’s syndrome after influenza virus infection
    • Residents of nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities
    • American Indians/Alaska natives
    • People who are morbidly obese (BMI ≥40)
    • Health-care professionals (doctors, nurses, health-care personnel treating patients)
    • Household contacts and caregivers of children under 5 years of age and adults 50 years of age and older, with particular emphasis on vaccinating contacts of children less than 6 months age
    • Household contacts and caregivers of people with medical conditions that put them at higher risk for severe complications from influenza

    Are there home remedies for swine flu?

    There are many flu “cures” and “treatments” described on the Internet (for example, how cayenne pepper, menthol, or ginseng can be used to treat the flu); before using any of these substances, check with a doctor. However, there are many over-the-counter medications, such as naproxen (Aleve), ibuprofen (Advil and others) and acetaminophen (Tylenol), to reduce fever and discomfort, lozenges to sooth a sore throat, and decongestants to help manage mucus production and coughing. These medications help manage flu symptoms but do not cure the viral disease.

    Was swine flu (H1N1) a cause of an epidemic or pandemic in the 2009-2010 flu season?

    Yes. An epidemic is defined as an outbreak of a contagious disease that is rapid and widespread, affecting many individuals at the same time. The swine flu outbreak in Mexico fit this definition. A pandemic is an epidemic that becomes so widespread that it affects a region, continent, or the world. On June 11, 2009, WHO officials determined that H1N1 2009 influenza A swine flu reached WHO level 6 criteria (person-to-person transmission in two separate WHO-determined world regions) and declared the first flu pandemic in 41 years. The H1N1 flu reached over 200 different countries on every continent except Antarctica in the 2009-2010 flu season; fortunately, the severity of the disease did not increase. The following is the CDC data for mortality and morbidity of the 2009 epidemic in the US: final estimates were published in 2011 and state that from Apr. 12, 2009, to Apr. 10, 2010 approximately 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (8868-18,306) occurred in the United States due to H1N1. An outbreak in India that became widespread in that country is still ongoing in 2016.

    What is the prognosis (outlook) and complications for patients who get swine flu?

    In general, the majority (about 90%-95%) of people who get the disease feel terrible (see symptoms) but recover with no problems, as seen in patients in Mexico, the U.S., and many other countries.

    People with suppressed immune systems historically have worse outcomes than uncompromised individuals; investigators suspect that as swine flu spreads, the mortality rates may rise and be high in this population. Current data suggest that pregnant individuals, children under 2 years of age, young adults, and individuals with any immune compromise or debilitation are likely to have a worse prognosis. Complications of swine flu may resemble severe viral pneumonia or the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by a coronavirus strain) outbreak in 2002-2003 in which the disease spread to about 10 countries with over 7,000 cases, caused over 700 deaths, and had a 10% mortality rate. At the beginning of the pandemic, the numbers of people with flu-like illness were higher than usual and the illness initially affected a much younger population than the conventional flu. As the pandemic progressed, more young children became infected than usual, but the mortality statistics became more similar to the conventional flu mortality rate, with an older population (especially ages 50-64) having the highest death rate. Pneumonia (viral and secondary bacterial pneumonia), is the most serious complication of the flu as it can cause death. Other complications include sinus and ear infections, asthma exacerbations, and/or bronchitis.

    Reference : medicinenet.com

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  • Summer Time With Delicious Detox Water Recipes Your Body Will Love…..

    Staying hydrated is key for good digestion. It promotes regular bowel movements and helps flush harmful toxins out of the body.  While this can be accomplished by drinking regular tap or bottled water, did you know that by adding a few ingredients to your H2O you can transform drinking water into detox water and up the benefits?Detox water is made by adding fresh fruits, vegetables and/or herbs to ice water and then letting the ingredients soak for a few hours (at least two hours) in the refrigerator. The longer the fruits, vegetables and/or herbs soak in the ice water, the more nutrients you will drink! Some detox water recipes include several ingredients, while others only include one. Each ingredient adds its own health benefit ranging from weight loss to boosting energy levels, detoxing the liver, detoxing the kidneys, improving digestion, etc.

    Here are  popular detox recipes that have great health benefits

    Lemon & Lime

    • Flushes toxins
    • Aids digestion
    • Boosts the immune system
    • Rejuvenates skin




    • Flushes toxins
    • Fights inflammation
    • Aids digestion



    • Flushes toxins
    • Boosts the immune system




    • Flushes toxins
    • Aids weight loss
    • Improves digestion
    • High in antioxidants
    • Helps lower cholesterol



    Raspberries, Blueberries & Strawberries

    • Flushes toxins
    • Fights inflammation
    • Rich in antioxidants
    • Boosts immune system
    • Fights cancer



    • Flushes toxins
    • Fights inflammation
    • Improves blood flow
    • Boosts immune system




    • Flushes toxins
    • Aids weight loss
    • Fights cancer
    • Boosts immune system



    • Revs the metabolism
    • Aids digestion
    • Improves brain function



    • Aids digestion
    • Eases stomachaches
    • Fights depression



    • Flushes toxins
    • Fights inflammation
    • Contains antioxidants
    • Antibacterial properties
    • Fights depression
    • Fights cancer


    * When making detox water it’s important to let it sit in the refrigerator for at least two hours before drinking. This will allow the nutrients to seep into the water.

    * When making detox water, many people recommend not eating the fruit afterwards. While eating the fruit certainly won’t harm you, it may not have the same flavor or pack the same nutritional punch as it did before.





    25 BEST Detox Water Recipes for Weight Loss


    20 Delicious Detox Waters to Cleanse Your Body and Burn Fat

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  • Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying

    Worrying is an unnecessary evil when it comes to your mental health. It is simply a bad habit that can be unlearned with practice. Some think that worrying may serve a purpose for the brain by helping us to learn from past experiences and prepare for new ones. Whether good or bad, worrying occupies our brain by focusing on an uncertain future that we can’t control.

    It is said that depression is focusing on past events that you wish you could change, and that worrying is focusing on future events that you have no control over. It could also be said about worrying that you only think you have no control over the future when you can actually choose to take action to help prepare for whatever it is you are worried about. In this article, we will look at active ways that you can help train your brain to stop worrying.


    When you are training your brain to stop worrying, this one technique is said to be the most valuable. If your brain is keeping you up at night by thinking about something, put it down on paper or electronic format. This habit lets your brain breathe a mental sigh of relief by no longer having to spend energy trying to remember these details. If you’re worrying about what to serve for a gathering of friends, write down ‘What to serve ?’

    Writing it down also is a way for you to put your brain on notice and tell your brain ‘This is important enough to write down.’ Your brain has now been alerted to put resources toward solving this problem rather than being worried or having to remember the important thing to worry about.

    Why write it down? Researchers now have evidence that chronic worriers may be chronic problem avoiders too. Scientists in the journal Anxiety, Stress & Coping gave worriers an opportunity to write down three possible outcomes for the situation they were worried about, then they analyzed their answers for practical solutions. The scientists say ‘When participants’ problem elaborations were rated for concreteness, both studies showed an inverse relationship between degree of worry and concreteness: The more participants worried about a given topic, the less concrete was the content of their elaboration. The results challenge the view that worry may promote better problem analyses. Instead, they conform to the view that worry is a cognitive avoidance response.‘


    Meditation can help train your brain to stop worrying. Researchers in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine studied the effects of meditation and found that meditation is particularly good for reducing cognitive anxiety, or worrying. Although some people believe that they do not have time to meditate, meditation is as easy as choosing to close your eyes right now for 30 seconds or longer. The act of choosing to tune out other sources of stress is an active step to train your brain to stop worrying.

    Related article: New Study Confirms: Excessive Worrying Linked To High Levels Of Creative Intelligence

    A few moments where you consciously choose to avoid any non-natural noise in your life will allow you to get centered around what is most important to you, now and in the future. Worrisome thoughts may come to you while you meditate, and this is normal. Those who have mastered the art of brain training to stop worrying recommend observing worrisome thoughts as they enter the mind and simply watching them pass like clouds on a breezy day.


    Worry is how your brain learns to survive by deciding to activate the fight or flight system. If a cougar jumps out at you, you instantly feel a rush of adrenaline, and this fear response is the same thing that is happening to your body when you worry, just at a much lower level over a longer period of time.

    The same study in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that exercise, on the other hand, is good for when your body feels the symptoms of anxiety, like jitteriness. If your body feels less of the physical symptoms of stress, your mind will interpret that there must be less to worry about because the body is not in a state of heightened arousal.

    Source : powerofpositivity.com

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  • रिङ्गटा लाग्दा के गर्नु पर्छ र के गर्नु हुँदैन

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    रिँगटा लाग्दा चारैतिर वस्तु घुमेको जस्तो लाग्छ । यो एक साधारण रोग हो तर लापरबाही गर्नु हुँदैन । किनकी यो कुनै गम्भीर रोगको संकेत पनि हुनसक्छ । रक्तसञ्चार र रगतमा कमी, बढी वा कम रक्तचाप, अत्याधिक शारीरिक वा मानसिक थकान, तनाव, डर र टाउको चोटलगायतका कारणले रिँगटा लाग्छ ।

    मुटुको धड्कन असामान्य, आँखाको कमजोरी, मष्तिस्कमा रगतको कमी, नशा फाट्ने, ब्रेन ह्यामरेज, ब्रेन ट्युमर, खाने कुरा तथा औषधिको एलर्जी, माइग्रेन, व्रत बसेर शरीर कमजोर भएमा, अत्याधिक अल्कोहल सेवनले रिंगटा लाग्न सक्छ ।

    टाउको घुम्नु, शरीर हल्लेको अनुभव हुनु, आँखाको अगाडि अध्यारो छाउनु, अनुहार फिक्का र शरीर चिसो हुनु, कमजोर भई चक्कर लागेर लड्नु, शरीर शून्य हुनु, उल्टी आउनु, कानमा बज्नु, बोल्न कठिनाइ हुनु यसका लक्षण हुन् ।

    के खाने ? What to eat ?

    • समयमै खाना खाने
    • एक गिलास दूध वा पानीमा ग्लुकोज मिसाएर पिउने
    • गर्मी भएमा अमलाको सर्वत पिउने
    • एक चम्चा तुलसीको रसमा २ वटा मरिच पिधेंर बिहान बेलुका खाने

    के नखाने ?What not to eat in dizziness ?

    • रक्सी, खैनी, नशालु पदार्थ नखाने
    • एलोपेथिक औषधि आफ्नो इच्छाले नखाने
    • अत्याधिक खाना नखाने

    के  गर्ने ?What to do in dizziness ?

    • रिँगटा लाग्ने बित्तिकै बस्ने
    • सुविधा भएमा ओछ्यानमा सुत्ने र आँखा बन्द गर्ने
    • निन्द्रा लाग्यो भने पर्याप्त सुत्ने
    • नियमित व्यायाम गर्ने र बिहान घुम्न जाने
    • मधुमेह नियन्त्रणमा राख्ने, एनिमियाको उपचार गर्ने
    • टाउकोमा बदामको तेलले मालिस गर्ने
    • आँखा कमजोर भए उचित चस्मा लगाउने
    • फिजियोथेरपिस्टसँग सिकेर सधैं कसरत गर्ने


    के नगर्ने ?

    • एक्लै घुम्न नजाने ।
    • अग्लो, होचो, अँध्यारो, चिप्लो बाटोमा नहिँड्ने ।
    • चिया, चुरोट÷बिंडी नखाने ।
    • साइकल, स्कुटर, कार नचलाउने ।
    • बार्दलीलगायत कुनै अग्लो ठाउँबाट तल नहेर्ने ।
    • कठीन शारीरिक या मानसिक परिश्रम नगर्ने ।
    • आगो या पोखरीबाट टाढै रहने ।
    • खोला नतर्ने ।

    Source : swasthyakhabar.com

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  • 7 ways to stay healthy in rainy season

    We can’t just sing a song “rain, rain go away” to stop the heavy rainfall. We have to prepare and protect our health and of our loved ones.
    1. Always bring your umbrella
    Getting wet from a sudden rainfall can cause sudden change with body temperature that may lead to fever and colds. Never forget to carry your umbrella with you wherever you go to avoid getting sick. It’s not only the best rain gear, but also a sickness shield against cough, colds or fever when you’re caught up
    on a rainy day.

    2. Eat healthy
    The cheapest way to protect you from sickness is eating healthy food. You can cook a hot soup to invigorate your body or eat Vitamin C-rich foods to boost your immune system to help repulse flu and infection. One of the common rainy-day diseases often caused by eating spoiled or contaminated foods is diarrhea, so always remember to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly to be safe. A delicious and healthy food is what makes rainy days a little warmer.

    Avoid eating street foods.

    3. Drink clean water
    Water-borne diseases are very common during the rainy season. Contaminated water sources could bring water borne diseases such as amoebiasis(amoebic dysentery) and cholera. If  you’re unsure of the water supply, boil it or buy purified drinking water to be safe.

    4. Drink herbal tea
    Herbal tea has curative properties for coughs, colds and sore throat — common ailments during the rainy season. You can add body warming ingredients like cloves, ginger, pepper, basil and mint to make it extra good for your body as well as it would be more pleasant and delicious.

    5. Wash your hands
    Regular hand washing is the best way to keep you from getting colds, cough and influenza, and prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria and keep away diseases. Wash your hands properly by lathering soap between your fingers, under your nails and the top of your hands. Rinse and dry your hands thoroughly to get rid of the germs.

    6. Don’t touch your face
    The flu virus commonly enters our body through the eyes, nose and mouth. Don’t scratch your eye or wipe your sweaty forehead. Use a clean napkin or handkerchief instead.

    7. Keep your surroundings clean
    Keep Mosquitoes out of your room. Dengue, a fatal disease caused by mosquitoes, is the most rampant disease during the rainy season. Don’t leave any water stagnant and throw away the things that may promote mosquito breeding. Keep your waterways clean. Besides dengue, leptospirosis is rampant because of floods that may contain animal urine causes bacterial infection.

    Sources : rappler.com

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